Friday, September 13, 2013

The probe left the solar system. He has a love for ... - On 24

capsule contains a built-in sensor plate on which the researchers recorded information about our planet. A similar idea, but on a smaller scale was carried out in the probes Pioneer 10 and Pioneer 11

message to outsiders is symbolically present earthly nature and human civilization. Content

sent into space have been carefully selected by Carl Sagan of Cornell University.

Located in separate packages tiles contain over 100 images, music with earthly sounds and greetings in 55 languages. It’s in Polish, freely translated reads: “Welcome, creatures from the underworld!”

probe Voyager 1 was launched September 5, 1977 year. In addition to information about our planet were there too greetings from Kurt Waldheim (then Secretary-General of the UN) and holding the terms of office of U.S. President, who was Jimmy Carter.

KK / NASA for TVN Meteo

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