Saturday, September 28, 2013

That's for sure. There is water on Mars - On 24

Curiosity has discovered water on Mars (NASA photo) Curiosity discovered water on Mars (NASA photo)

Mars Curiosity rover discovered water on Mars – NASA announced.

Each sample of Martian soil collected by Curiosity measuring cubic foot [cube with sides of about 30 cm - ed] contained about two pints of water [less than a liter - ed]. Kick-Off, however, did not occur in the free state, but were associated with molecules of minerals.

According to NASA, the water is 2 percent of the Martian soil in terms of its mass. To determine the prevalence of water Curiosity used a special furnace, in

which the sample warmed to a temperature of 835 degrees Celsius, and then analyze the results.

Jeep out of the water found in the soil. sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide and oxygen

Curiosty landed on Mars in August 2012 at Gale crater near the planet’s equator.



2013-09-27 16:28

Each sample of Martian soil collected by Curiosity measuring cubic foot [cube with sides of about 30 cm - ed] contained about two pints of water [less than a liter - ed]. Kick-Off, however, did not occur in the free state, but were associated with molecules of minerals.

According to NASA, the water is 2 percent of the Martian soil in terms of its mass. To determine the prevalence of water Curiosity used a special furnace, in which the sample warmed to a temperature of 835 degrees Celsius, and then analyze the results.

Jeep out of the water found in the soil. sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide and oxygen

Curiosty landed on Mars in August 2012 at Gale crater near the planet’s equator.


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