In the early 70s for the study of black holes and singularities took a young graduate student from Cambridge – Stephen Hawking. With astonishment discovered that if you take into account quantum physics, black holes can send thermal radiation. They are not so completely black, as is apparent from the classical theory of Einstein. From his calculations showed that the smaller the black hole, the more violently “radiates”. Small black holes do not deserve to call them black – should be white-hot and can even explode! “Black holes explode?” – Hawking asked in the title of his work in 1974.
information paradox divides physicists When Hawking discovered that black holes are not eternal and disappear along with all the information which fell to them, physicists is divided. Some of the reconciled (and for Hawking liked to say that “God not only plays dice, but sometimes it gets lost without a trace in a black hole”). Others claimed that it was impossible that somewhere there is an error.
Retractable fantastic hypothesis – that a black hole creates a new, child of the universe, and is separated from ours, so the information goes into a different world. Or that the black hole does not evaporate completely. It remains the “core”, so called. infanton, which is a kind of hologram located all memory of the black hole.
ring of fire
Before Two years ago, there was another breakthrough in the discussion about black holes. Joseph Polchinski and his PhD from the University of California, Santa Barbara have calculated that even if black holes “evaporate” the information in the form of Hawking radiation, a side effect of this “leak” must be “ring of fire” around the black hole horizon. Daredevil, who wanted to cross the horizon of a black hole, would be immediately incinerated by unimaginable heat.
It is only deepened the mystery. Einstein’s theory does not provide for any wall of fire around the black hole. Crossing the horizon, we should not notice anything suspicious. Only when the pit pulls us deeper, gravity will stretch our limbs as pie to spaghetti. Cells, molecules, atoms, quarks, each smallest component of matter, from which we are made, will be converted into noodles of infinite length, because according to the theory of relativity, a black hole is a bottomless pit. But on the threshold of the well there should be no ring of fire.
In this way, Joseph Polchinski transformed the riddle of loss of information in black holes in the more spectacular the question: what is the fate of daredevil who jumps into a black hole? Is the place burn to ashes or die as a result of rupture of members, as the victim MADEJOWEGO bed
If the information comes out of the black hole, the daredevil burn, but at the same time you have to say goodbye to Einstein’s theory and come up with new. If the information is lost, this daredevil does not burn to ashes, but then also are at odds with the current principles of physics (because it violated the principle of unitarity).
The current hypothesis Hawking also solves that problem – if there is no event horizon, it will not be also this strange fire wall around the black hole. The question remains whether the famous physicist who ended Jan. 8 72 years, has the right (the brilliant physicist was wrong many times).
Many of the scientists that he jumped into the black hole to see for himself what is True, but the closest candidate for a black hole is located at a distance of 1,600 years of light.
What is “information paradox” black holes, that is what physicists argue
Top gives it anecdotal history of fierce rivalry Zrz?dy professors and stews, told years ago by physicist Leonard Susskind.
dispute these fictional scientists crossed the boundaries of common sense. Driven by jealousy Stew blew up the time machine prof. Zrz?dy, in which the carrying mathematical model of direct inestimable value. The pattern so just evaporate – turned into a cloud of electrons, nucleons and photons.
Later in court Grumpy Bandit complained about him: – That’s what this fool did was irreversible crime! The design was forever lost.
– Nonsense – defended the stew. – Information can never be destroyed. You’re just lazy. Just find every little piece remaining from the explosion and reverse its motion. The laws of nature are symmetric with respect to time, ie reversible, so you play back the document with his idiotic design.
Called to the witness physicists confirmed his words and Stew won.
But Grumpy Bandit cruelly avenged. He stole a computer opponent, which saved were his favorite recipes, i .. threw him into a black hole.
Stew In court he could not get over the loss. – There is no way to retrieve the recipe for my favorite steak. It’s gone forever in a black hole, where already there is no return …
– Objection, Your Honor! – Stood up for it Grumpy Bandit. – Stephen Hawking in the 70s proved that black holes evaporate, ie emit thermal radiation. As a consequence disappear over many billions of years, but the stew will be able to take radiation that remain after them, and he played all the lost once in the bowels of the black hole.
– Nonsense! – Said Stephen Hawking called as a witness (and supported him too many other physicists). – Actually, I discovered that black holes evaporate in this way, but their thermal radiation – in addition to information on the temperature of the black hole – does not reveal absolutely nothing more. Information about what falls into the interior of these creations, dies forever.
– That’s not true! – Countered another witness, Gerard ‘t Hooft, Nobel Prize winner from Utrecht (and supported by many other physicists). – Information can never perish without a trace.
Court has not yet ruled on the matter.