Friday, January 31, 2014

What's next project after the sale Ara Motorola? - BBC News

After Google announced that Motorola sells Lenovo, many people began to wonder what will happen to the efforts made by U.S. corporations projects. For luck this matter has already been explained.

Does Google abandon modular phones? / press materials

Does Google abandon modular phones

/ press release

Project Ara - the module these phones Motorola

Motorola wants to launch smartphones modular – the portable device that can be put yourself further by replacing components like blocks. We decide whether we want a better camera, and maybe more RAM. read more

Doubts about Motorola smartphones were dispelled at the outset by Larry Page, who placed a blog post, Google

explained that “Lenovo intends to maintain a distinct identity Motorola.” This means that we do not have what to expect major changes in the policy of the company and product line Moto certainly will continue to be developed.

More puzzling was the issue of Ara project, which involves the creation of a modular smartphone. It turns out that the agreement with Google includes only the department responsible for acquisition of Motorola devices. Meanwhile, Ara project is developed by a 100-strong group of Advanced Technology and Design, and the department is in the hands of wyszukiwarkowego giant.

Unfortunately, this does not mean that the work on this project will be continued. Although they are supposedly already very advanced, so abandoning this project at the moment seems to be meaningless, but on the other hand, the Mountain View company has just got rid of it belonging to a hardware partner, which in the future would take care of the production of modular smartphones. The company would therefore have to find another partner, but other producers to participate in the development of this type of device is unlikely to be on hand. Project Macaw presupposes the creation of a smartphone for years, and now all the giants of the mobile market – understandably – are committed to us your handset exchanged every few dozen months.

Can only hope that Google will not be silent on this issue forever and that will soon officially announce what will be the fate of the project Ara.

Miron Nurski


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