Friday, January 3, 2014

Facebook read private messages? The lawsuit in court - Polish Radio

– Contrary to the assurances of the company, private messages exchanged on Facebook are systematically captured by the company to reach the content of communications users – writes Matthew Campbell and Michael Hurley, who filed a lawsuit in a court in California, where the headquarters of Facebook.

Internet users seeking compensation in the amount of the $ 10,000 for individuals. The lawsuit was submitted to the court in San Jose.

According to the plaintiffs, to “scan” the private messaging occurs when users distribute among themselves reference links to other websites.

so they accuse Facebook of collecting, without their knowledge, private user data to draw the material benefits “making them available to third parties: advertisers and

marketers, and one that specialize in data collection” – says the lawsuit. According to the authors, these practices violate the confidentiality provisions of electronic correspondence.
AFP notes that Facebook has around 1.2 billion users worldwide who count on the respect of their privacy and confidentiality of correspondence.

(CNN Newsource / x-news)

Facebook maintains that the allegations are unfounded. We will strongly defend – declares the Internet giant.

This is not the first accusation against spo?eczno?ciowemu portal. In September last year, Facebook has fallen wave of criticism after the proposed changes to the privacy policy. They allow you to create advertising using the names and profile pictures of users of the portal.


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