Saturday, January 18, 2014

Intelligent Lens Google came up with ... Microsoft? -


on Friday wrote about the new project, which involved Google, specifically his “Laboratory X” responsible, inter alia, for Google Glass and cruise missiles to cars. It’s about contact lenses with built-in sensors that can also display simple information. They could, for example, to help people with diabetes.

begin to provide: in this text, it is not us is to accuse Google of dishonesty. We have noted, however, that just such a smart lenses were invented by the Internet giant competitor.


Wired Magazine reports that on this issue the attention of several commentators tracking this specialist subject.

It turns out that Babak Parvis, one of the experts working for Google, collaborated on this topic from Microsoft. It was just about the lens being able to monitor blood sugar levels on the basis of tears.

It should also be noted also that for some reason not in Redmond continued theme – after years took it on Google. For those who could help the smart lens is not yet matter which of the companies will release them to the market. There is also no wonder that Google employs some specialists and creates appropriate conditions for work. Thanks again you probably do not hear about an innovative solution signed by Google.

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