Saturday, January 4, 2014

Icebreaker flows to help trapped in the ice - Polish Radio

Pictured: Passengers ship “Akademik Szokalski” evacuated on January 2. On board the remaining crew , photo: PAP / EPA / ANDREW PEACOCK

American Coast Guard announced that it will help the authorities asked both Australia and the governments of Russia and China.

– Our most important task is to ensure the safety of people at sea, so we can help forge the way for both units – said the commander of U.S. Coast Guard Pacific Region Admiral Paul Zukunft.

Chinese icebreaker “Snow Dragon”, who helped rescue the trapped passengers from the Russian research vessel “Akademik Szokalski”, alone on Friday stuck in the ice trap. The ice was too thick – places reached over 3 meters.

The Russian “Dormitory Szokalski” came out on November 28 in New Zealand to celebrate the centenary of Antarctic expedition led by explorer Douglas Mawson Australian. She was trapped in the ice on Christmas Eve, about 100 nautical miles east of the French Dumont d’Urville station and about 1500 nautical miles south of Tasmania.

January 2 succeeded, though, by operating with the “Xue Long” helicopter transported 52 scientists and

tourists from the “Academician Szokalskiego” aboard the Australian icebreaker “Aurora Australis”.


Polar Star, photo . U.S. Coast Guard

22-man crew of the Russian units that remained on the board , has food stocks for about 40 days. Captain “Xue Long” has informed Australian authorities that his crew has enough lunches.

“Polar Star” comes from Sydney

Australian Maritime Safety Agency (AMSA) today announced that the U.S. “Polar Star” takes about a week to reach the waters of Antarctica, where the ice stuck in the Russian research vessel “Akademik Szokalski” and flowing to him with the help of Chinese icebreaker “Xue Long “(Snow Dragon).
Icebreaker” Polar Star “sailed in early December for a cruise on the waters of Antarctica and is currently docked in the port of Sydney. The American ship is about 122 meters long and can break ice with a thickness of more than six meters.

“Dormitory Szokalski” with 74 people on board was stuck in the ice of Antarctica. on Christmas Eve.

Passengers “Academician Szokalskiego” evacuated

PAP / IAR / agkm

(Video: evacuation of the ship’s passengers trapped in the ice of Antarctica on Jan. 2, 2014 one year; (ENEX / x-news)


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