Polish Telecom connection with PTK Centertel has become a reality – told the operator. From today, the companies forming the group now operate as one company – Orange Poland.
From a formal point of view, this means that the District Court for the Capital City Warsaw, XII Commercial Division of the National Court Register entered in the register of Polish Telecom connection (as the acquiring company), PTK Centertel and Orange Poland Sp. with o.o. (As of acquired companies).
merger was effected by transferring all assets of PTK Centertel TP. The new company will be led by existing management structure at Orange Poland.
January 14, 2014, the change to the designation of telecommunications in the tables listed. Instead, the abbreviated name of TPSA will appear in them ORANGEPL, and so. ticker TPS changes from the OPL.
aims to improve the efficiency of operations and improve customer service.
– We want to maintain a leadership position in the share value in the markets mobile and stationary applications. With the formal merger of TP and PTK Centertel will be able to better exploit the potential of Orange Poland and the strength of convergence, which distinguishes us from the competition – said in a press statement quoted Bruno Duthoit, CEO of Orange Poland.
Telekom assured that the changes in the structure does not entail the need to conclude new contracts for services that benefit customers far TP and PTK. There will also affect the conditions for the provision of these services.
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