Saturday, January 18, 2014

Scientists in shock. The human brain works faster than thought - On 24

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Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have shown that our brains already in just 13 milliseconds is able to determine what we see . This is nearly 10 times faster than previously thought.

The study is published in the “Attention,
Perception, and Psychophysics.” Measured the time that elapses from when the light falls on the retina of the eye to the time when the information about the shape, color and set the sighted object reaches our brain.

Neurologists have shown the test images for up to 80 milliseconds. During this time, subjects had to catch the characteristics of images. Their brains were able to read the image and realize what the eyes can see in just 13 milliseconds.

Professor Mary Potter from MIT explained that the brain interprets the image quickly, but keeps it and develop a longer, so that respondents could correctly answer questions about specific images.

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