Wednesday, January 15, 2014

It's not the end of Winamp - Virtual Poland


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Winamp, a popular media player, he had to end his existence on Dec. 21, 2013 year. Shortly after this information, rumors began to emerge about buying software from Microsoft, allowing Winamp would live a few more years. The rumors were not confirmed until the end. Winamp has been sold, but the buyer is not the Redmond giant.

Winamp Shoutcast with the software, which (in a nutshell)

allows you to set up your own online radio station was purchased by Radionomy – Belgian radio station aggregator.

If you believe the sources of the portal TechCrunch, the Belgian portal paid for the software package from AOL 5 to $ 10 million. For comparison, in 1999, AOL bought winamp for more than $ 80 million.

From a business point of view, we can assume that Radionomy much more than Winamp Shoutcast keen on taking over. So far in the Belgian service were more than 6,000 “radio stations”, after the acquisition Shoutcast this number will increase to approximately 60,000. Thus, currently around half of all radio internet radio stations on the network to Radionomy.

As for Winamp is a Belgian company wants to continue to develop the software. Especially the versions on mobile devices.

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