Monday, January 20, 2014

Rosetta space probe has resumed broadcasting - Gazeta Wyborcza

Launched in 2004 by the European Space Agency (ESA) Rosetta spacecraft, the lander has to settle the first such object on the surface of the comet, resumed on Monday broadcast signals after nearly three years of hibernation – ESA announced.

between the sending of the Earth and the receipt of an activation signal from the first response Rosetta passed about seven hours. Since its start March 2, 2004 probe has come a distance of
800 million kilometers. It is now in the zone where the intensity of the on-board battery power of the Sun is much smaller than Earth, which caused the need for ongoing 957 days of hibernation.

Rosetta has yet to cross 9 million kilometers before November 11 of this year its lander settles on having sizes 3 to 5 km rocky nucleus of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. It is anticipated that the study will last until March 2015.

Rosetta send to Earth thousands of images of the comet, will make measurements of its gravitational field, mass, shape, and immediate surroundings. One of the instruments, the lander Philae, a special hammer that bite into the nucleus of the comet, was built by Polish scientists from the Space Research Centre.

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