Nokia Lumia Smartphones will soon receive an update, codenamed Black, but one of the new features is now available to all users regardless of the version of the system, from which benefit. Speaking about the use of folders on the home screen smartphone, which has hitherto been lacking in devices with mobile operating system Windows Phone 8

screen mobile devices with Windows Phone 8 is significantly different from what a competitive offer from Google Android and Apple iOS. Instead of the classic icons and a few desktops on smartphones running Microsoft users can put on a vertically scrolling desktop different size tiles. They not only run your application, but can also display dynamically changing content, such as to inform you of unread notifications from social networks.

Unfortunately, users of large numerous applications were not satisfied with this solution, because when you place shortcuts to your favorite programs tiles occupied a lot of space and it was necessary to scroll the screen every now and then up and down. Nokia Lumia smartphone users will be able to but soon stop complaining about the inconvenience, because the Finnish smartphones running the Windows Phone 8 received a feature to create folders on the home screen.

Folders for the main screen in Windows Phone 8 have been made regardless of the same system update, codenamed Black,