Thursday, January 2, 2014

Astronomical observations. What we see in this month? -

2014-01-02 7:37

astronomical observations. What we see in this month?

[Photo: lucentius / iStockphoto]

prepares us to many attractions, among them the maximum activity Kwadrantydów and the opposition of Jupiter.

After the winter solstice the days get longer and longer. In Warsaw, on the first day of the New Year, the sun rose at 7:45 and sets at 15.34. In contrast, January 31 rises by 7.18 and takes about 16.21. In January, our daily celebrity enters the sign of Aquarius.

January 4 at 13 our time, the Earth will be at perihelion, or the point in its orbit nearest the sun and away from him about 147 million kilometers.

sequence of phases of the Moon in January is as follows: New Moon – 1 and the chair. 12.14, First Quarter – 8 And the chair. 4.39, fullness – 16 And the chair. 5.52 Quarter – 24 And the chair. 6.16 and re-Moon – 30 And the chair. 22.39. The closest Earth Silver Globe will be January 1 at 22.00 and again on January 30 with a 10.57, and at most 16 January at 2.52.

Mercury in January is on the celestial sphere very close to the Sun, and his observations are not possible. To enjoy the planet Venus best chance we have at the end of the month. An hour before sunrise dojrzymy it is less than 10 degrees above the southeastern horizon.

Mars can be seen in the second half of the night. It shines in the constellation Virgo. His brilliance in a month increases from 0.8 to 0.3 magnitude. This is comparable

to the brightness of the brightest stars in the sky.

January is the perfect time to enjoy Jupiter, because on 5 January at 22.11 planet will be in opposition. Thanks to its brightness (-2.5 mag) and angular size will be greatest. With a telescope or a telescope, you can admire the detail on the face of the planet, as well as various configurations of the Galilean moons.

morning we can observe Saturn. In January, it can be seen in the constellation Libra. His brilliance is very similar to the brightness of Mars.

Uranus is in the constellation Pisces, and you can see it in the evening. Although in great condition can be see with the naked eye, to his observations better to use binoculars. Similarly, the Neptune. With binoculars you can find it in the constellation Aquarius.

In January, we can attempt to observations of the dwarf planet Ceres. You can see it in the constellation Virgo, a few dozen degrees above the spike and Mars. The brightness of Ceres in January is about 8.5 mag, so its observation we have to use binoculars.

In January, still there are good conditions for observing the comet C/2013 R1 (Lovejoy). In its observations to choose in the first decade of the month, because her radiance slowly decreases and it approaches the Sun. In the first days of January can be seen on the border of the constellation Hercules and Ophiuchus. About an hour before sunrise comet lights at about 30 degrees above the southeastern horizon. Its brilliance is about 5.5-6.0 mag, so it is visible even through small binoculars.

In the first decade of January, we can admire the meteors from one of the most interesting and active swarms sky – Kwadrantydów. The exact moment of maximum is expected on January 3 at 20:30 our time. At this time in Poland is already dark. The only problem may be the low height of the radiant above the horizon, because that’s when he is in the vicinity of pitting – low on the northern horizon. For a variety of observation encourages good layout phases of the Moon with the new moon occurring on January 1.

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