“The Dukes” is a mysterious group of Russian hackers, who since 2008, according to the report, F-Secure, inwigilowała Polish government. The main goal of the attackers was to gather information regarding our foreign policy. Therefore, hackers have focused on the Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Parliament, embassies. Also they stole information from government contractors and NGOs.
make noise
As F-Secure says hackers have acted by “smash and feet”. It consists in carrying out hacking in such a way as to get the greatest amount of data – not taking too much of their value and discretion. When the stolen data proved to be valuable hackers passed to “silent” phase of the attack. They could inwigilować selected sources for a long time. Hackers gathered by this method PDF files, the attachments of emails – anything that might betray our plans related to foreign policy.
They did not try to hide
F-Secure says that “The Dukes” there have always tried to hide their presence.
“The analysis of action and scale of the attacks that hackers have a complex structure and have access to stable sources of financing. [...] and that hackers could operate without concerns about possible repercussions. [...] In the opinion of experts F-Secure one beneficiary which could offer such comprehensive protection is the government of the country in which the group operates. ” – The report says.
The company also explains why the suspicion that for The Dukes face the Russians.
“Although analysts F-Secure can not be clearly attributed to any country responsible for the actions Dukes , all the circumstantial evidence suggests that the group operates in the Russian Federation.
Noteworthy is also the way in which hackers infect victims’ computers. They exploited crafted PDF files and Word documents. Perhaps somewhat surprising that for seven years no one has created procedures that prevent installation of malicious software so widespread method.
F-Secure reports that besides Polish goal of The Dukes have also become institutions in Ukraine, Georgia , Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan, as well as individuals residing in Hungary, Belgium, Luxembourg and Spain.
The Dukes seem to be a powerful group of hackers. It is a pity that our staff were not able to block their actions. As you can see not all Russian hackers are the same …
F-Secure is a Finnish company, founded in 1988, specializing in security and privacy on the web .

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