Monday, September 14, 2015

United, a free replacement set-top boxes, UPC – Virtual Poland

  UPC Customers who use the SD set-top boxes can now be replaced with a modern free HD decoders, providing access to television for a higher quality picture and sound.

 Replacing the SD through HD technology and the resignation of broadcasting the same channels in two different resolutions trend, for which follow almost all broadcasters and television service providers. Standard HD is the better picture and sound watched programs, a modern television, providing a better experience. UPC encourages the free exchange of SD set-top boxes for HD decoders, and the exchange itself is associated with the modernization of the UPC offer and adapting it to the newer standards.

 Share exchange will continue for the next few weeks. Customers have already been informed about the possibility of exchanges on a dedicated channel decoder 98.

 Each customer can individually arrange the date of exchange – a new decoder will be delivered to him free of the home and installed. When replacing worth to make sure I get a set-top box – we should get to choose the Cisco HD decoder or Horizon. Customers with the latest decoder Horizon still complain about its quality and dropouts functions, and thus will not always be the best

choice. On the other hand, Cisco’s HD decoder you fail to permanently store the list of favorite channels. Whenever you turn off the device list will be reset.


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