The Japanese company selling robots named Pepper (Pepper), require their clients to make a special statement, without which the equipment will not be delivered.
In short, the whole thing boils down to one thing: Do not have sex with Pepper. This is required by the manufacturer – Japanese telecommunications company Softbank, which has developed in cooperation with the French company Aldebaran SAS. The first series of robot went on sale in June and spread faster than the overrated carp at Lidl. Currently thousands peppers adds a longer taste of the life of their respective owners.
Pepper is an unusual robot. It costs a lot, because almost $ 2,000 (plus additional charges related to data processing and insurance), but it is the most important. According to the manufacturer Pepper is remarkable because … can sense human emotions and adjusts to them their behavior.
A human emotions and human actions can be odd – irrational, spontaneous, impulsive and sometimes even violent or perverted. It turns out, however, that Pepper protected against them (at least partially) – each with buyers robot must declare to refrain from certain types of behavior. Among them is inter alia to ensure the absence of making physical sexual relationship with a robot, as well as refraining from programming it to sexual and indecent.
To justify the manufacturer’s worth mentioning that some kind of “sexual and indecent behavior” with respect to peppers actually have already been
So Protect works against perverted, brutal and insane behavior of humans. Even Asimov, creating three laws of robotics, probably did not foresee such a development of events.

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