Already half of the Internet users around the world log on to the biggest social networking site at least once a month, and as much as 65 percent. of these people use Facebook every day – tells the BBC News website.
At the end of June the number of people coming to Facebook at least once a month amounted to 1.49 billion people, an increase of 13 percent. within three months. That’s half the estimated 3 billion of internet users around the world.
The increase in the number of Facebook users has contributed to increasing the company’s revenues to 4.04 billion dollars in the second quarter, an increase of 39 percent. compared to the same period last year. Three fourths of the total accounted for revenue from ads.
In an interview with BBC analyst Alfred Liousas Erna he said that Facebook knows how to catch and keep the attention of users. – The company guarding the objectives of the short-term, but above all not lose sight of long-term projects, thus securing its future in the market – she added.
Grow profit, but expenses Facebook
A social networking site is investing in new employees, which according to estimates could contribute to the growth of spending by as much as 60 percent, although in April expected even 65 percent. Facebook is also planning to make changes that will increase revenue from ads. The company invests heavily in data centers and new methods of acquiring users.
An additional expense is improvement of products such as the application WhatsApp
Zuckerberg added that the costs incurred by the company translates into a higher quality of service. The investment in a new data center in Texas was able to, for example, significantly reduce the technical problems to-use interface for users.
Facebook better than Twitter?
The biggest portal community still gathers new users, in contrast to Twitter, where the number of new accounts is growing very slowly. It is estimated that Americans check the content on Facebook using smartphones more frequently than once every five minutes and each time spent on the portal over a minute.
PAP / BBC News / aj

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