According to the announcement system that provides access to the network of Lufthansa aircraft will be possible thanks to the cooperation of nearly 300 terrestrial transmitters deployed by T-Mobile in Europe with satellites owned by Inmarsat. How to explain the project partners connected to the Internet when it has reached the aircraft ceiling of three kilometers, and the entire system is designed for high-speed performance of the aircraft and ensure stable data transfer for passengers.
The plans assume that the early summer of 2016. on European routes through will be the first aircraft of the German carrier’s offer passengers access to the network through the new system. At least not officially stated what bandwidth you would expect, nor whether the Internet LTE will be available for all users or just for traveling in Business Class. Partners agreement does not hide, however, that their web-based platform is pay for itself also by providing its other European carriers, expected in 2017.
– Already offering broadband Internet on our intercontinental routes – stressed in his speech Carsten Spohr, CEO of Deutsche Lufthansa AG. – Now we extend
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