Sunday, September 20, 2015

The last cry … technology, which Intel on the catwalk of New York Fashion Week – Interia

dress reacts to stress and the dream of every athlete, or clothing with an intelligent ventilation, and all this with a brain the size of a button – Intel module Curie. During this year’s New York Fashion Week, Intel launched its cooperation with the effects of the fashion brand Chromat. Is intelligent, responsive clothes have a chance to become the future of the fashion world? Intel argues that, yes.

Smart dress

/ press releases

The Drones – hear about them all. Flying machines are mainly associated with the military and toys for enthusiasts. Meanwhile, the drones can be used in a variety of ways – from making money through parcel delivery, life-saving ending. Unmanned aerial vehicles from day to day … read more

The popularity of devices ubieralnych continues to grow – by 2019 the world will be their more than 126 million. Popular bands fitness and SmartWatch But this is only one side of the coin. Intel decided to go a step further and reach ubieralne technology to a whole new level. During New York Fashion Week – one of the biggest fashion events in the world – the company unveiled sports bras with built-in Intel platform Curie. Made of lycra and neoprene mesh bra remembers its original shape and alter it when overheated body. Then they open the vents, which cool the body of a woman who is physically active. The mechanism of action of this technology is based on the phenomenon known in nature as biomimicry, which is observing phenomena occurring in the environment and use them to solve problems in the human world.

The New York catwalk has also appeared dress, which senses .. . the mood of the user. It is made from panels of printed 3D technology, neoprene, and of related frames with carbon fiber. Dress responds to adrenaline and when it reaches a value above normal, frames with carbon fiber expand assuming the shape of an hourglass impressive size.

– New technologies affecting more and more areas of our lives. Electronics in the fashion world to such an extent in which it presented during New York Fashion Week, gives completely new possibilities for designers – says Krzysztof Jonak,

head of Intel’s Central and Eastern Europe. – Taking part in such an important event, a fashion, we prove that modern technologies long since ceased to be the domain of electronics exhibition, and for good etched into the daily life of each of us – he added.

Smart dress

/ press releases

During one of the demonstrations during New York Fashion Week hero was also an intelligent mirror shop Intel. With the Core i7 processor, integrated graphics, Iris Graphics, and using Intel RealSense it allows to try on a lot of clothes, and then display your image and compare choices. Memomi Memory Mirror, because that’s what is called the friend of every customer undecided, enables you to share your avatars in different stylizations with your friends. Even if such an option is not dispel doubts and do not facilitate choice, image styling of the dressing can be stored in the mobile application and consider buying at home. On the catwalk there are also watches as a result of Intel’s collaboration with the brand Fossil.

For lovers of fashion Intel also decided to pay a surprise in the form of … drones Yuneec company, which recently invested in. Their task was spherical image capture (360 degrees). As a result, it was impossible to miss out on even the smallest detail of the New York fashion feast.

When you begin to “print” wearing clothes?

/ press releases


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