Thursday, September 17, 2015

Scientists warn: Less fish and endangered coral reefs. The oceans are dying – News

These intimidating results were presented in a report prepared by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) and the Zoological Society of London (ZSL). Scientists agree that the main blame for such a huge decline in the population of sea creatures can burden the only human activity.

“This is a catastrophe” – the researchers say

The studies lasted from 1970 to 2012. WWF, in collaboration with the London company has documented an extraordinary loss in the number of sea creatures. The population of some fish, especially mackerel and tuna – that is, those which constitute human food – fell by 75%.

– This is a disaster – says Louise Heaps of WWF. – We are destroying the living source of food and ecosystems in the oceans – adds, referring to the conclusion that wysnuli report.

– Human activity has caused severe damage to the oceans; fish are caught faster than the following reproduction of the population, yet destroyed are their nurseries – said the head of WWF Marco Lambertini.

The results indicate that, apart from direct human activities negative impact on the numbers of marine mammals, birds, fish and reptiles are also climate change. The report tells us that the greater the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere increases the acidity of water, which leads to the death of many species.

will disappear coral reefs?

The researchers concluded that now threatened with extinction is 75% of coral reefs in the world. Given the projected warming and acidification of the oceans, it may lead to the fact that in 2050 the corals will cease to exist.

– These creatures are suffering because of poor water quality, which is the result of deforestation, and also of managing for agricultural purposes coastal areas – said WWF

senior vice president Brad Ack. He adds that “a negative impact on coral reefs have also increased fish catches and other beings whose presence helps corals grow and stay healthy.”

Later this month world leaders will meet at a summit of the United Nations New York. – This meeting provides an opportunity for international action, we need to protect the oceans – said Brad Ack.

needed correction of the direction

The report also referred to the head of the WWF Marco Lambertini. – Given the vital role of the oceans in the economy and their fundamental importance in providing food, this situation is unacceptable. Is the economic impact of falls of marine ecosystems to perform another global recession or ruin progress, we have made to eradicate poverty? – Said in a statement.

He added that this is the moment when “we can and must revise the direction in which we are going.”


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