Thursday, September 24, 2015

The next stage of the war on video. Facebook supports recording at 360 degrees –

Facebook announced on your pages that the social networking site enabling the sharing of video being recorded at 360 degrees. The solution also introduced ( in March this year u) for YouTube allows you to watch movies shot using special cameras. At any time we can change the field of view and literally look around – see what has recorded on the left, right, rear, at the top.

To create such recordings need a special camera. Facebook supports a large number of such equipment also provides developers the tools to assemble.

Recordings at 360 degrees in a few days to be visible using Facebook through the browser or application on Android. IPhone users will wait a little longer.

One of the first fanpage’y, which will publish the new recording is the official website Star Wars.

 A new kind of video on the Facebook Fig. Facebook / Robert Kędzierski

War on video

Facebook and YouTube clearly fighting for

customers video content. Already in January of this year , it became clear that by increasing emphasis on video content on Facebook is gaining. A similar trend is visible in most web portals.

Facebook will do more to users they placed the videos directly on the site, rather than pasting links from YouTube. For Google, it is preferred, however, that as many people as zamieszczało links to the recordings placed on its servers.


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