Those who are fans of spectacular astronomical phenomena today probably did not intend to sleep a wink. Because the night of 27 on September 28, 2015 is indeed a special time. Total lunar eclipse (also called “blood moon”), combined with a beautiful manifestation of the so-called. Supermoon (in terms of the maximum possible approximation to the Moon to the Earth) does not happen often. Another such opportunity will be only 2033 years. What’s more, today’s so-called night closes. tetrad, in which the mystics are able to read the Bible prophecy …
The co-existence of both phenomena (total eclipse and “supersiężyca”) is not the result of supernatural forces. It’s happened before and it quite often. Throughout the twentieth century occurred 5 times. The last time 30 years ago. – That day is also the moon is in perigee, or closest to the Earth, will therefore be greatest. The next opportunity to see Supermoon during a total eclipse, will be only 2033 years – explained Charles Wojcicki, popularizer of astronomy from Copernicus Science Centre.
Now additionally stimulates the imagination that – as noted by many people – cycles last eclipse coincided with important Jewish holidays.
The first eclipses “tetrads” took place on 15 April 2014 . The last time was at night fell from 27 to 28 September. All four eclipse occurred on the first day of the holidays – Passover and Sukkot.
The phenomenon of bloody moon can be read in the Bible. Some Christians see it as the announcement of the imminent destruction of the world. Here is an excerpt, which is often interpreted in this way.
– I will show signs in the heavens and on earth, blood and fire and pillars of smoke. The sun turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, when the day comes the Lord, the great and terrible day . – (Joel 3,3-4).
According to some experts, including Protestant clergyman John Hagee, this phenomenon may be a harbinger of dramatic events in the Middle East. So he said in an interview with the British “Daily Express”. According to the pastor, they will have an impact on the future of the whole world.
Self total eclipse will begin at 4.11 and end at 5.24 (apogee of 4.47).
& gt; & gt; & gt; ON THIS PAGE NASA transmits PHENOMENON
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