Thursday, September 17, 2015

How many really it costs to produce the iPhone 6S? – Virtual Poland

  Probably no surprise that the latest iPhone costs Apple the most of all existing smartphones. About what cost exactly we talking about? Business Insider has estimated them taking into account the production costs of previous iPhone models.

 Unlocked iPhone 6S with 64 GB of internal memory costs $ 749. Meanwhile, its production cost is about $ 234. Of course, this does not mean that Apple earns $ 515 for each sold handset. The above calculations apply only to the same components – without the cost of filing smartphone and its further distribution. Nevertheless, the difference between the production cost and the price of the final is huge.

 Compared to the previous model increased costs of semiconductors such as antenna elements (36 dollars), a 64-bit processor A9 (25 dollars), sensors – eg NFC, a fingerprint reader ($ 22) and 64 GB of internal memory (20 dollars). Components such

as a camcorder or screen absorb about 1/3 the cost of manufacturing the device – about $ 74.

  See also: iPhone for $ 48,000


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