Bloody Saturday. So on October 4 this year, was named by the industry of e-marketing. That’s when I started to work a new search engine algorithm update Google under the name Penguin 2.1. What has changed? The easiest way to explain it with an example. Suppose that when you type in the search words mountain bikes on the first page of search results shop x appeared in the first place. After the change fell on the twelfth page. If we remember that beyond the first page, the first ten proposed by Google lookup looks only a few percent of Internet users, it is easy to imagine the scale of this revolution. Even before the month the website of our hypothetical store consisted of 100 people per day, today is not doing this one. How many web pages related to the effects of the new update? That does not really know anyone. You can only estimate. To my eye there is a change at the level of 25-35 per cent. monitored and positioned words – read the blog Silesia SEM, which leads Arthur Strzelecki, a doctor at the University of Economics in Katowice.
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At this point, one might start to deny that the Internet is not just one search engine, but much more. For sure. But considering that at the end of 2012, according to a ranking Gemius more than 95 percent. site visits from a search was done just by Google, the answer to the question why it is worth watching activities of the Mountain View, it seems simple. In a sense, Google is the glasses through which we view the world. If we introduce a small correction in them, for example, suddenly become yellow or instead of “preschools” dip “minus two” is perceived picture will change. Gas station, which seemed to us very far, suddenly is at your fingertips. Exactly the same is true with the changes in Google’s algorithm.
New update is to avoid excessive linking. Just a few years ago how high the page to appear in search results, depend almost entirely on the number of links, which redirects to other sites. Google wanted to act like a scientific index, where the value of the work by the number of citations. He did not take into account the fact that the number is relatively easy and very fast artificially inflated. Interestingly, this phenomenon is particularly prevalent is in Poland and our Internet , which is in Polish, is considered one of the most littered in the world. Partly due to the fact that on the Vistula outstanding career did SWL, or link exchange systems and automatic linking, which in one day to a particular page can add tens of thousands of links. New content (often having no sense of clusters of words) is generated by computer programs, and the network goes untold amounts of digital garbage of all kinds. Now it has to be changed. In the search results into account is to be taken only natural links, that is, those that come from thematically related real party .
Why are changes? – Users visit Google to get high-quality results, and possibly a complete answer to their query. Continuously improve the search engine algorithm that showed it as the most relevant results and to minimize the results of little value to users and spam , the results of the worthless – corresponds to Peter Zalewski of Google Poland. – New versions of search engine algorithm are designed precisely to provide the first results of better quality and reduce spam.
giant California Such a position is not surprising. One can even say that their laconic information policy regarding search engine activity has already become a new, secular tradition. Apparently everything in order to make life difficult for spammers and online smart guys.
Changes, changes, changes
Speaking of permanent revolution, which runs on the web, you can not fail to mention another Google algorithm update, which is also the name of a penguin caressing.
Panda, because of the question is to make the search results above were pages that have a lot of valuable content, so-called. contentu. Its launch also introduced some havoc. Those in applying a good position forget that the site should be included interesting information, just fell into the abyss of internet garbage. Panda reduce the number of situations in which we enter to the site where they are written the same generalities, it really nierozwijaj?ce topic of interest to us. – John Doe should be more relevant results and not hit the spam. Each update makes search results more relevant to the needs of users – confirms the representative search Maciej Galecki from the Association of IAB Poland. – Google has always educated people to add valuable content. To be high in the search engines, it is best to create the content yourself. There should be focusing on links – expert advises.
But there are other, seemingly minor differences that made by Google completely changes the Internet or rather its part, after which the user is moving. – Change, which many have experienced, but I did not really notice is that after logging into any Google products, such as e-mail, we have different results than without logging – explains Artur Strzelecki. Search more often sends us on the pages where we already were. From the perspective of the average user, this means that in reality the number of pages which get rather decreases than increases.
So if you have decided to search the internet, we can not forget that the results largely depend on the mechanism of action of a search engine, not our abilities. An increasingly important role in our surfing the virtual expanse of plays called. geolocation. Since Google easily identify where you are in fact (using the traditional computer after IP address , from mobile devices via GPS), the internet in the center of Radom is moving in a different segment of the network
than the one from a village near Poznan. And it is not about that fits the specific phrase, such as
bike shop Radom . Simply search chooses what it considers to us more interesting. And so looking bike when I sit at the computer or use a smartphone in Radom, even if we do not write the words
Radom , we should get a list of stores is from this town or surrounding area.
destroys and builds penguin
Revolution Web is therefore very real consequences. The first effect is the reduction of blood Saturdays revenues of many companies involved in the positioning, the placement of specific pages on the top positions in the search engines, if you type in the phrase is not selected. One of the major interactive agencies involved in e-marketing is estimated that by virtue of the entry into force of the new Penguin its revenues fall by about 200 thousand. z? per month.
But still the problem to a greater extent affect customers of such agencies. Because really thousands of online stores or simply companies, many of which clients come from the network, can suddenly be cut off from those clients. Of course, no one is able to estimate such losses in the wider economy. Moreover, the fact that one of the top ten search results fall out, it also means that it will be replaced by someone else. Thus, some of these changes in business very interfere, other help.
– These Google algorithm changes , which appeared in the last few months, the result is that small business has a chance to take care of their own position in the internet. So far, the efficient operation we had to have facilities that could create only specialists – says Marcin Pawlowski, consultant and trainer of e-marketing in – In a sense, these changes result in a return to the Internet a decade ago. Today, every leading company, if you will take care of your website, solicit links from their natural partners, is likely to occur. Until recently, he had a commission agency services.
Safer is white hat
This does not mean that suddenly all entrepreneurs themselves will take care of your web page. He’ll do is probably the part that is at the least a little familiar with or that drastically cuts costs. It still requires knowledge is in fact quite specialized. Any movement on Google have this in common, that give rise to a number of specializations, such as specialist SEO (search engine optimalisation – optimization associated with search) or a specialist to handle Adwords , or paid advertisements in Google. Now you can expect fashion marketing content, or specialists to create meaningful content. That’s because most likely in the near future you can expect a growing number of websites with many subsites. It’s not just the “about us”, “contact” or “products”. Developed in turn, should be broadly defined layer around the theme of the page. Perhaps the networks will appear more and more short films, a variety of instructions or simply opinions of satisfied customers. The idea is that a party such as mentioned above, selling bikes was also a source of knowledge on two wheels. This site will be better evaluated than a simple shop that has two pages on the cross. Will they do the same owners pages? Sometimes yes, but certainly part of this service will want to have.
In a sense, the changes introduced by the company in California and operations specialists in e-marketing is a game of cat and mouse. American entrepreneur uses more sophisticated algorithms, and marketers are trying more and more elaborate methods lead to the fact that it is part of their customers were in the highest positions. That giant of Mountain View is not joking when it comes to sticking to the principles learned in the past year as the big players, such as the telephone Play Millenium bank or price comparison and Day after day they cease to be visible and in spite of their protests, Google has remained adamant for some time. What resulted in the lowering position of the filter? Misusing search operation webmasters, one of the reasons described above, the application of SWL. After adjusting to the rules of the index are restored to the place that the algorithm has calculated without taking into account the already artificial links. Back came a few weeks.
If even the powerful companies have difficulty adapting to the rules of the game imposed by the search engine, it’s how they deal smaller players? Roughly speaking we can say that there are two schools of positioning. White hat (called white hat) to act in accordance with what Google recommends, the formation of a large amount of content, natural links, taking care that the content was unique. While acting in this way, the results in the search can be a long wait, they are more durable. The second school is a “black hat”. So use all the techniques. And those recommended and those not recommended, or unauthorized linking or simply copy content from other sites. This is usually the effects come much faster, after a few weeks you will find yourself in the top positions, but after several weeks or months can fall into oblivion, which is very difficult to get out.
It seems that for the majority of players in the market will be more accurate putting white hat. Probably because of the Google algorithm says little. For that refers to the tools that they have a “help prepare your site optimized for the search engines and users as well as providing quality content that will be of value to users.” When it comes to obtaining links on the net, it will be the best way to acquire them in the real world: a phone call to a friendly shop or our friend in the industry and suggest Linking. Even if such references will be 10 instead of 100 thousand. As with SWL, they will have a higher value.
– offline relationships will have an increasing impact on the lives online. So far, there have been industries in which these two very different worlds – says Marcin Pawlowski. – Now slowly going to the fact that the network will increasingly imitate what happens in real life.
site must have interesting content, otherwise it will fall to the bottom of the search engine. It is not enough for us tab and contact us.