Monday, October 7, 2013

Professor. Product: the winner could have been expected for a long time - Gazeta Wyborcza

research of Nobel Prize winners have crucial significance in biological and medical sciences, the Nobel Prize was to be expected for a long time – commented achievements of this year’s Nobel Prize winners in medicine and physiology professor. Assoc. Elizabeth device.

This year’s Nobel Prize for Medicine and Physiology Suedhof received the Thomas C., James E. Rothman and Randy W. Schekman, the prize was awarded for the study of the organization’s main transport system in the cells, which uses bubbles surrounded by a lipid membrane.

“The essence of our findings is how the cell is organized all transportation – said in an interview with PAP prof. Elisabeth article of the Institute of Experimental Biology. M. Nencki Academy of Sciences. – The cell is in fact a large, complex plant, which produces billions of different molecules. They are from various parts of cells distributed in various directions, or + + exported outside. example, some of these molecules is necessary as we neurotransmitters transmitted from one nerve cell to another. All these substances are sent within the cell in small vesicles of different sizes. Construction of these bubbles was the beginning of a great mystery – it was

not clear how such transport takes place. “

As explained by the researcher, the study focused on Randy W. Schekmana search of genes that regulate the transport in cells. James E. Rothman studied the protein machinery and mechanisms that allow the bubbles reach the right place cells and connect to the appropriate part of it. Thomas C. Suedhof for it was interested in how it looks transport in nerve cells. “For him, were the most important neurotransmitters. Showed groundbreaking thing: that there was a fusion of synaptic vesicles, the level of calcium must be strictly controlled by the protein” – she said prof. Product.

As explained interlocutor PAP adjustment mechanism so. vesicular transport is very precise and is often compared to the principles of the zipper – everything has to be perfectly aligned.

Prof. Wyroba explained that any disorder of the machinery can cause very severe and cause diseases. “For example, a single mutation called. Rab7 protein may contribute to disease (neuropathy) Charcot-Marie-Tooth 2B, which causes such severe leg ulcers in teenagers, that in ancient times it was even the cause of amputation” – PAP interlocutor said and added, that thanks to the research of Nobel Prize winners are detected more mutations in the transport system.

“These studies are crucial to the extent that it has long been thought that this Nobel Prize will be awarded. met with reviews that scientists should I get it at least 10 years ago, “- concluded the researcher.

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