itemprop=”articleBody description text”> Online a photograph purportedly designed to introduce MP3 Player Nokia Guru.

itemprop=”articleBody description text”> Nokia announced on October 22 conference, during which, as indicated earlier speculations, plans to launch as many as six new devices. Among bankers is mentioned first phablet Lumia Lumia tablet in 1520 and 2520. A few days ago some confusion on this issue also introduced the same Finnish manufacturer presenting the following image:  Nokia announcement conference  Click to enlarge Nokia announcement conference As you can see, it seems to suggest that we can expect a release. Laptop ..?

Nokia Guru

See also:

  • Nokia can boast record sales of Lumia smartphones
  • Specifications LG Nexus 5 almost entirely available online

For some time on the Web, there are also speculations, which showed that Nokia plans to launch the MP3 player bearing a Guru. Thanks to the reliable mikroblogerowi @ evleaks have the opportunity to present you a picture of this item: Nokia Guru Click to pair & # x119; kszy? Nokia Guru In appearance it resembles Apple’s iPod shuffle.