Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Apple Conference Summary 5 points - Gazeta.pl

1 iPad Air, the slim, lightweight and thin

iPad Air is the major refresh of the Apple tablet. Equipped with a 9.7 “display has a resolution of 2048 x 1536 (the retina). Inside was A7 processor with 64-bit architecture – exactly the same as it’s presented in September iPhone 5S. Picture taking in 5 megapixel camera. Co., but for Apple’s most important is the weight of the tablet. device now weighs only 472 grams. Company emphasizes that the lightest tablet in the world.

Air iPad hit the market on November 1. What is important – also in Poland. Polish prices start from 2099 z? for a version of 16 GB and WiFi.

Exact prices

iPad Air described here .

2 iPad Mini with Retina

iPad Mini with Retina Fig. Apple

iPad mini has not changed much. As expected, the matrix lists the device – now display with a diagonal of 7.9 “is equipped with a screen resolution of 2048 x 1536 pixels. This is exactly the same screen, which we know from the” big “iPad. Until more efficient A7 processor with 64-bit architecture. Rest of the features remain virtually unchanged.

exact release date of the device is not known. Apple asserted that it will be “in November”. When exactly? Not applicable. It is known, however, how many of Retina iPad mini will cost. Price of the cheapest model (16 GB with WiFi) is 1699 z?.

More about prices

iPad mini with Retina wrote here .

3 New computers

The new Mac Pro Fig. Apple

MacBook Air has been refreshed this year, and inside you will find the most recent Intel Haswell line. Time has therefore come for the Pro version. There will be two versions of the MacBook Pro with Retina 13 – and 15-inch. The smaller model will have a lower price – the weakest configuration will cost $ 1,299. 15 “MacBook Pro will have improved graphics, the

battery has run for eight hours, and the price will start from $ 1,999.

is a real monster – Mac Pro. The desktop computer is the epitome of a cylindrical performance. And high prices – in the U.S. will cost $ 999 2. The new Mac Pro is equipped with a processor Intel Xeon E5, can be found in it up to 64 GB of RAM and 1 TB of data memory. Apple has announced that on the computer processing of video in 4K resolution is a breeze. Specification certainly promising high productivity.

4 The new version of the operating system – Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks

Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks Fig. Apple

Mavericks energo?erny to be less than its predecessor. For this there were a lot of improvements in it, such as changes in the Finder and better support for multiple monitors, but also corrected the map. In addition, it will contain new Safari. In Mavericks’ie calendar will be connected to the maps. During the conference, Apple announced that a new appointment in another part of the town is immediately associated with information during the visit and how can he take care of us.

main new feature on the new operating system, however, is its price. Or rather, lack thereof. Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks, will be available for free. Until now, such a move would have been unthinkable, Apple had to charge even for system updates.

free office suite will also be Apple’s iWork.

5 Prices, availability and gratuity

Until now, it was probably still at Apple, where so many important services would be made available for free. What is more, the new products very soon hit the market. Air iPad will be available in most markets, including Polish, starting from November 1.

Although the new iPad does not impress new features – did not appear in them, for example, a fingerprint reader familiar with the iPhone 5S – and they are more improved versions of previous models, but the prices are not inflated. If you have an iPad 4, replacing it with a new model it’s worth a stop. May tempt the iPad mini with Retina – especially since the price for the weakest Poland configuration is 1699 z?.

Retina is a big improvement, but you must remember that the alternative could be like the new Asus Nexus 7, which in the basic version costs 999 z?.

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