rocky surface, and on it ? ? water – so the planet might look like we’re looking for
source: press release

asteroid carrying a trace of ice ? ? ? on little planet rich in water, which was crumbled ? 200 million years ago, around GD 61
Source: SCIENCE / M. A. Garlick, space-art.co.uk, Univers. of Warwickand Univers. ofCambridge
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Observations distant planetary system is 170 light years give new hope to find in the universe globes habitable – says Piotr Ko?cielniak.
What might be interesting in watching your pieces of crushed rocks orbiting the degenerate star that collapsed under its own weight 200 million years ago? And what does this have to search for Earth-like planets and life
According to astrophysicists from the universities of Cambridge and Warwick followers of these objects by the Hubble and Keck telescopes in Hawaii where the discovery of huge amounts of water indicates that the solar system is not unique. That globes for Earth-like structure in the Universe is quite a lot. And now we have the technical means to find them. The white dwarf is marked GD 61 was once a star slightly larger than our Sun. Probably circled around the planet – at least some of them were rocky. When the star collapsed, its gravity tore one or more planets orbiting it. What we have been, now revolves around GD 61 And due to the fact that the remains are crushed, they give scientists the first opportunity to have a look inside the planet and determine what they consisted of. These seemingly insignificant observations, however, have produced sensational results.
dying dwarf
Chemical analysis
asteroids located at ? GD 61 (these are the remains of the planet – take scientists) indicates that there is a lot of water. Planet – when she was still a whole – have at least 90 km in diameter, although astrophysicists think that was much larger. It consisted of water in. .. 26 percent. For comparison – the water on Earth is 0.023 percent. mass. Compared with torn to pieces Earth asteroid is dry as a bone. This is obviously not the first time that astronomers detect traces of water on extrasolar planets. So far, however, it only recorded the atmospheres of gas giants – giant planets unfit to live.
now is different: for the first time, scientists have found traces of water and – simultaneously – the
– In this alien planetary system planets could be habitable – says Jay Farihi from the Institute of Astronomy at Cambridge University, whose team published the result of observation GD 61 in the prestigious journal “Science.” – The discovery of water on large asteroids means that there where all necessary components for the creation of planets suitable for life. Perhaps these conditions still exist there. And both in the GD 61, as well as hundreds of other stars around.
– The presence of water on a planet with a rocky surface is a key finding in the search globes habitable outside our solar system – adds Professor. Boris Gänsicke from the Department of Physics, University of Warwick. – We were able to discover the connection for the first time outside our planetary system.
system like ours
similarities between the solar system and watched the white dwarf system is, however, more. Crumbled asteroid reminded us probably building known dwarf planet Ceres. Ceres is hard, rocky core surrounded by a thick layer of ice. At the top is covered with a thin layer of dust and rock fragments. It is estimated that the water represents up to 27 percent. mass of Ceres. Thus there is the more than fresh water on Earth.
For this reason, astrophysicists believe that it is the large objects such as asteroids and dwarf planets (and comets) were a real source of water for our planet.
you like GD was around 61? It is not excluded – the researchers believe. First – the local star was accompanied by more globes. Perhaps, there was a reminder of our solar system – with smaller rocky planets that contain water and gas giants. Finally – argue – the gravity of an object have to work to destabilize the orbit of “water world” and help in crushing it into parts. This could be another object yet undiscovered planet.
– For the asteroid came close to the white dwarf close enough to be crushed and devoured, something needs to be brought out of the asteroid belt – in fact push. That something is the mass of another planet – explains Farihi. – These asteroids are telling us that GD 61 was, and perhaps still is, a rocky, Earth-like planets, and possibly gas giants. It credence to our view that there once existed a complete solar system closely resembles our own. To obtain highly accurate data on the chemical composition of the remains that are both 170 light-years away, the researchers used a device Cosmic Origins Spectrograph on the Hubble Space Telescope. It allows you to determine which substances observed on the basis of characteristic spectra corresponding to the presence of specific molecules (UV spectroscopy). The light of a star is “filtered” by the surrounding white dwarf remnants.
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