Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Microsoft is preparing competition for Google Glass - BBC News

The Wall Street Journal reports that Microsoft is working on its own version of the Google Glass – glasses, which combine to enhance the reality of the Internet with the most useful information.

Competition for Google Glass is coming. This is the future of mobile devices? / AFP

Competition for Google Glass coming. This is the future of mobile devices


Shop for Google Glass applications already in 2014

Google Glass is a very revolutionary design that conveys the reality of the Internet world into reality, thus blurring the boundaries between the

two. Although futuristic glasses are still in the phase of the closed beta for a select group of people, Google announced that in 2014 … read more

Microsoft was late in the race of smartphones – the operating system is just starting to gain popularity, but the competition is still too big for him. Most likely, this error will not be made in the case of futuristic glasses. Google is working on a project Glass, and the Redmond giant is testing its own version of the gadget, which assume the nose – tells the Wall Street Journal, citing people familiar with the matter.

Unfortunately, we do not know anything more about the gadget, except in that the progress of the work. Some time ago, Microsoft has patented technology, “which allows you to invite potential users to play with the device mounted on the head.” Does Microsoft was preparing something special for Xbox One?

article from the category: Gadgets

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