Monday, October 14, 2013

Caution! Google will use us for your ads - Virtual Poland

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Google has just published a new set of rules to use their services, which shall enter into force on 11 November 2013. Thanks to him, the Mountain View company will use our image in their advertisements. Well, unless someone not desire.

would like to present the most useful information – you, your friends and contacts. Recommendations from people you know, can be very helpful. That’s why your friends, family and other users can see your name and profile picture, and content, such as your opinions, or click one with ads. This happens only when taking concrete action (you click on one, commenting or watching), and the result can only see people who want to share data content. In Google, you decide

what you share. This update our Terms of Service do not alter in any way the list of recipients or content made available in advance of your control over who they will be available in the future.

comments from people you know, save time and increase the effectiveness of your actions (and those of your friends) in a variety of Google services and websites. This includes a search engine, Google Maps, Google Play and advertising. Your friends can for example see that the music album rated 4 stars on the band’s website on Google Play. And information on granted by you one favorite bakery around the corner can be added to display Google ads. These recommendations called social media recommendations. More information can be found here.

In short, Google wants you to use published by the opinions and materials in their advertisements. If the idea of ??this brand you do not like and do not like to be abused in this way, just visit this address: and uncheck the box: “Based on my Google activity can show me your name and profile picture in the recommendations that appear in social advertising. “

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