Monday, October 21, 2013

Asus announces monitor gaming technology G-Sync - Your PC



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 Monday October 21, 2013
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By Wedelek | Source: Tech Power Up | 7:32

class=”txt”>  At the end of last week at TPC magazine published an article about the module Nvidia G-Sync, whose task will be to eliminate the delays and the phenomenon of” tearing “of the image, which has arisen as a result of errors in communication between the monitor – graphics card. Described element can be mounted computer screens dedicated players. Be the first to declare its use Asus, indicating that in the first half of next year will introduce a monitor symbol offers VG248QE, with built-in G-Sync . For now, just know that it will be a product aimed at a wide audience, as evidenced by its price, amounting to $ 399.

Therefore seems that Nvidia’s technology finally allows a clear conscience monitors for gamers to distinguish from those of “ordinary “because at the moment the only aspects that distinguished the products’ gejmingowe” (by the way, what an ugly term) was the price, name, and possibly flashy appearance.


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  1. so I’m not surprised that this particular company (by S?awekpl | Date: 21/10/13 | hr.: 8:53)
    jumped out of the monitor which has a “revolutionary” system nV
    I know … after all, their specialty is to add something for $ 1.99 and sell later for $ 199 more expensive
    previously only appends to monitor their logo so some Progress is :)
  2. Waiting for 4K monitors (by Remek | Date: 21/10/13 | hr.: 9:13)
    rest is obsolete :)
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