cosmic body, which was named 2013 TV135 is described as posing a potential threat. By examining the trajectory of the asteroid discovered on October 12, experts have concluded that the likelihood of a collision with Earth is 1 to 63000. This is because an asteroid was awarded first
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cosmic body, which was named 2013 TV135 is described as posing a potential threat. By examining the trajectory of the asteroid discovered on October 12, experts have concluded that the likelihood of a collision with Earth is 1 to 63000. This is because an asteroid was awarded first
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discovery was confirmed by the Russian research centers and NASA.
new space object was named 2013 TV135. Researchers concluded that the probability that it will collide with the Earth is 1 in 63,000, because an asteroid has been given the lowest rank in the scale of potential hazards.
However, according to Russian media, the real danger is not identifiable until the year 2028, and a possible collision with our planet would be 26 August 2032. Media point out that the strength of a possible collision with Earth would be unimaginable. Estimated
to be two and a half thousand megatons, or 150 times greater than the bomb was dropped on Hiroshima.
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bw / IAR,
eoretycznie, explosive power after an asteroid collision with Earth would have been beyond imagining. Estimated at two and a half thousand megatons, or 150,000 times stronger than that when the atomic bomb fell on Hiroshima.
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cosmic body, which was named 2013 TV135 is described as posing a potential threat. By examining the trajectory of the asteroid discovered on October 12, experts have concluded that the likelihood of a collision with Earth is 1 to 63000. This is because an asteroid was awarded first
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new cosmic body, which was named 2013 TV135 is described as posing a potential threat. By examining the trajectory of the asteroid discovered on October 12, experts have concluded that the likelihood of a collision with Earth is 1 to 63000. It therefore granted the first asteroid, the lowest level in Turin scale potential threat.
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