Spiders have a rich life “love” – ??his chosen one can bring a love gift in the form of fat flies, or play on the web like a seasoned musician – said Dr. Robert Deathmatch from the Department of Zoology, University of Maria Curie-Sklodowska University in Lublin.
As the scientist, the famous sexual cannibalism, often associated with spiders in fact in nature is very rare. The female may kill and eat your partner, especially when it is undernourished. – Male spiders use a variety of “tricks” to be secured against possible cannibalism. One of them is the immobilization of the female genital mouths through a variety of spikes and teenagers in the limbs or anteriorly tuberculate males – said Dr. Deathmatch.
Much more sophisticated method practiced by some species, is searching for a network, where there are still immature , not ready to mate females. The male partner starts the watch until it throws its Moulting chosen one, or carapace. For several hours after moulting female is helpless, can not escape, and her organs mouthparts are soft, so they can do them any harm. Males mate with the helpless female, safe and secure, that nothing bad will happen to them.“Gift of love”
The so-called
. bokochody (Xysticus) use some other solution. Male meeting a female in the right way and tapped stroking her legs, bringing it in a trance-like state and hypnosis. Then it becomes a submissive, but just in case it involves male delicate yarn to be “not changed her mind” during intercourse.
In many species of spiders practice to give “gift love”. They do such marvelous male Nursery web
“Select this one”
U spiders network eg in krzy?akowatych (Araneidae) courtship ritual can be compared to serenade wygrywanej the spider’s web. – Males indicate their intentions for pulling the threads cobwebs in particular, the species-specific rhythm. If the female is interested in tapping corresponds to a specific rhythm inviting partner or other suitable signal directly saying that none of that today there will be – says the scientist.
This phenomenon is sometimes used for fraudulent scam. There are specialized spiders, such as the types of Ero and Mimetus have learned to imitate this game to get the dinner. Enter the network edge female spiders krzy?akowatych and so reliably mimic the male mating game that female deceiving. This meant that she had found a partner for mating, not realizing that soon will become dinner.
The number of spiders bezsieciowe based on a complex mating ritual dance. Very colorful males skakunowatych (Salticidae) or pogo?cowatych (Lycosidae), show off dances, sometimes in large numbers, before a female to gain her favor. – “The choreography” is characteristic of the species, and consists of a particular sequence of jumps, stroke, legs, body planes of color presentations. Assess the ability of a potential female partner, and then choose this one – described by Dr. Deathmatch.
Most spiders copulate only once in a lifetime. – The males when they reach sexual maturity, they lose interest in food, and sometimes even stop to eat, focusing exclusively on finding partners, which will soon die of hunger and exhaustion. Females live a little longer, and the semen stored in tanks seed gradually consume to produce the next cocoons – said Dr. Deathmatch.

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