Wednesday, October 23, 2013

This is why a conference of experts Macierewicz 'can not be ... -

by, fp 2013-10-23
  • Smolensk Conference Fig.

“Birch was broken on April 5, or earlier,” so “is no longer taken into account.” And what really happened in Smolensk? “Aircraft flying back to front”, to “place designated by terrorists”, “there were several explosions”, and the proof is not overcooked sausages. Types of damage show crushed beer cans, and the alleged “hit upside is more depreciated”. This is the thesis of the Second Conference ended yesterday Smolensk.

id=”article_body”> first Birch, in which he had hit the plane, was broken at least five days earlier – is the most common argument invoked by prof. Chris Cieszewskiego from the University of Georgia. – It’s a fact not subject to debate – he said. The tree was to be “someone to climb, banging a hammer and an ax.”

2 Anna Gruszczy?ska-Zió?kowska from Warsaw University told, “it sounds like an airplane hitting the birch”. Although stated that “there is a sound technician, a musicologist,” but does not believe that this was one of the notes from the report of the committee Miller. The help came Chris Cieszewski, who said that the Tupolev crash of birch should be accompanied by a sound like “Piijiii, bziuuu.”

3 Cooked sausages as explosion proof presented Andrew Ziolkowski of the Institute of Fundamental and Technical Sciences.

He assumed that the longitudinal fuselage crack could cause only internal pressure caused by the explosion. – Something like that we see when we cook the sausages for breakfast – he said. The evidence shows the
photograph of two sausages after cooking: ruptured the entire length.

4 Wieslaw Binienda from the University of Akron ruled that the Tupolev crash in Smolensk hit the ground upside down, because “it is better cushioned the impact, so it gives a better chance of survival.” – If there was an explosion, most of the passengers in the middle and rear of the aircraft should survive – he noted.

5 Stefan Bramski of the Institute of Aviation, said that “the explosion on the plane and breaking it into thousands of debris could catch terrorists.” – The outbreak could result from actions taken by the Polish pilots who attempted to save the machine, and the disintegration of the aircraft was to take place after the collision with the ground.

6 Bramski had more interesting observations. In his opinion, the Smolensk was sprayed “artificial smog” and “terrorists” launched a radio signal the bomb in the air. In addition, before the bombers chose a place near the airport, where they had easy access, it was not the buildings, and the area was hardly accessible to the public.

7 – Nozzle odkszta?ci?a the aircraft – also stressed Bramski. – This deformation, wyklepane then by the Russians during transport, means that the back of the plane was flying back to front, or front to back, and thus plunged into the ground – he said.

8 Mysterious white spots detected, in turn, prof. Cieszewski. In his presentation was to show that it is highly unlikely that the white spots at the crash site were snow. Conclusions: the origin and nature of the white spots at the crash site is a mystery – says the scientist.

9 Professor. Peter Witakowski of AGH explained why the Tupolev aircraft crew were a lot of explosions. – How busted rudder? He could not catching the whatever is after the last piece of the aircraft. However, he dropped out and is over 200 meters before the plane fell. – In my opinion, the rudder was “fired”, shot off even earlier – he said.

10 Professor. John Obr?bski argued that the energy drink cans or beer best show types of damage. Additionally, crushed tin has been compiled with the whole can. – Thin-walled box, struck with a mallet on the one hand, and undamaged box – written under the picture.

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