Friday, October 18, 2013

The asteroid will hit the Earth in 2032 years? It has a 410 meters long - News 24

Astronomers have discovered a giant asteroid Ukraine, which for 19 years could hit the Earth. Space rock is 410 meters long, and its collision with our planet would be 150 thousand. times more powerful than the atomic bomb that destroyed Hiroshima.

 Will it be looked asteroid collision with Earth? / Fig. Don Davis Earth-threatening asteroids spotted Ukrainian scientists from the observatory in the Crimea. The discovery confirmed the Russian research centers and the American NASA. Rushing
toward us space rock was named 2013 TV135 and it is anticipated that it could reach our planet August 26, 2032 Year . Any impact on the Earth would force 2.5 thousand. megatons or 150 thousand. atomic bomb .

Should we have to pack? Probably not. Astronomers have calculated that the probability of asteroid impact on Earth is 1 to 63 thousand. Cosmic body is 99.99840000 percent. chance that it will be a blue planet. Asteroid granted so the first, the lowest level of risk.

Americans want to seize the opportunity and in 2018 years launch spacecraft , which will examine the hurtling asteroid in our direction. The observed results are intended to help researchers to design effective methods, changes in the trajectory of such bodies. This knowledge may be useful before the year 2182, when it reaches the Earth, considered as constituting a the greatest threat to life on our planet , asteroid 1999 RQ36.

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