Saturday, November 30, 2013

War of the consoles continues: in Poland starts selling PlayStation 4 -

This new generation console has to compete mainly produced by Microsoft Xbox One.

Sales PS4 launched from the U.S., where the first day was spread a million copies of the console. Everything points to the fact that also in Poland the new Sony device will be attracted great interest. The manufacturer does not want to disclose the number of devices that will hit stores. It provides, however, that the Prime Minister’s new console is a record in every respect.

 Sales of consoles and games

Sales consoles and games

source: Official Legal Newspaper

– This applies to both the number of collected pre-order and the number of consoles that will appear in Polish shops in the vicinity of the release – says Monika Wenker of Sony Computer Entertainment Poland. He adds that all orders previews on PS4 deposited with partners to 3 September 2013 will be executed on the premiere. – If you ordered the console after this date will receive the device by early December – and Monika Wenker.

For those who did not manage to buy a PS4 in presale, the company will organize a night sale in one of Warsaw’s shopping malls. – It’s November 28th minute before midnight will be available there consoles. I can not say how much the PS4

will be sold there, but their number is limited – highlights Wenker.

See also:

  • Xbox One corresponds to the PlayStation 4: Over a million copies sold of Microsoft’s console »
  • 10 best premiere PlayStation 4 »
  • PlayStation 4: Excellent sales, mixed reviews and the “blue bar of death” »
  • Launch PlayStation 4 and Xbox One: for Sony and Microsoft Poland is still a country of the third world “

console was offered in pre-commercial networks for about 1.8 thousand. z?. At the beginning you will be able to buy 11 games, including breaking world records in the United States popularity of “Call of Duty: Ghosts” (over 800 thousand. Sold within a week). Polish productions on PS4 prepare CD Projekt and Bloober Team. The latter late autumn release designed for the console game “Basement Crawl”. CD Projekt finish work on the new “The Witcher”. – Next year will be the third part of the game. It will be available simultaneously on all platforms, or on a PC, PS4 and Xbox One – says Maciej Gembicki, managing director, a company that distributes games, CD Projekt.

The Polish premiere competitive for the PS4 Xbox One come a long wait. For now, Microsoft new device offered only in 13 countries, including, among others, in Germany and the UK.

– The Polish premiere shift is influenced by many factors. One key is to control the voice. New Kinect sensor does not currently support the Polish language – says Marcin Ka?mierczyk from Microsoft. He adds that the Polish branch of Microsoft is also working to console appeared on our market with additional services similar to those offered in the West, including video and music applications. Since its release, sold over 1 million Xbox One.

Tomorrow on NEW TECHNOLOGIES relationship with the nightly release the PlayStation 4

War of the consoles continues: in Poland starts selling PlayStation 4 -

This new generation console has to compete mainly produced by Microsoft Xbox One.

Sales PS4 launched from the U.S., where the first day was spread a million copies of the console. Everything points to the fact that also in Poland the new Sony device will be attracted great interest. The manufacturer does not want to disclose the number of devices that will hit stores. It provides, however, that the Prime Minister’s new console is a record in every respect.

 Sales of consoles and games

Sales consoles and games

source: Official Legal Newspaper

– This applies to both the number of collected pre-order and the number of consoles that will appear in Polish shops in the vicinity of the release – says Monika Wenker of Sony Computer Entertainment Poland. He adds that all orders previews on PS4 deposited with partners to 3 September 2013 will be executed on the premiere. – If you ordered the console after this date will receive the device by early December – and Monika Wenker.

For those who did not manage to buy a PS4 in presale, the company will organize a night sale in one of Warsaw’s shopping malls. – It’s November 28th minute before midnight will be available there consoles. I can not say how much the PS4

will be sold there, but their number is limited – highlights Wenker.

See also:

  • Xbox One corresponds to the PlayStation 4: Over a million copies sold of Microsoft’s console »
  • 10 best premiere PlayStation 4 »
  • PlayStation 4: Excellent sales, mixed reviews and the “blue bar of death” »
  • Launch PlayStation 4 and Xbox One: for Sony and Microsoft Poland is still a country of the third world “

console was offered in pre-commercial networks for about 1.8 thousand. z?. At the beginning you will be able to buy 11 games, including breaking world records in the United States popularity of “Call of Duty: Ghosts” (over 800 thousand. Sold within a week). Polish productions on PS4 prepare CD Projekt and Bloober Team. The latter late autumn release designed for the console game “Basement Crawl”. CD Projekt finish work on the new “The Witcher”. – Next year will be the third part of the game. It will be available simultaneously on all platforms, or on a PC, PS4 and Xbox One – says Maciej Gembicki, managing director, a company that distributes games, CD Projekt.

The Polish premiere competitive for the PS4 Xbox One come a long wait. For now, Microsoft new device offered only in 13 countries, including, among others, in Germany and the UK.

– The Polish premiere shift is influenced by many factors. One key is to control the voice. New Kinect sensor does not currently support the Polish language – says Marcin Ka?mierczyk from Microsoft. He adds that the Polish branch of Microsoft is also working to console appeared on our market with additional services similar to those offered in the West, including video and music applications. Since its release, sold over 1 million Xbox One.

Tomorrow on NEW TECHNOLOGIES relationship with the nightly release the PlayStation 4

Nokia Lumia 525 with Windows Phone 8 officially -

Nokia Lumia 525
his official presentation celebrates working under control of Windows Phone 8, Nokia Lumia 525 Finnish company Nokia officially announced some time smartphone Lumia 525 Model is dedicated to less demanding users, will hit the shelves in four colors – white, black, orange and yellow.
Nokia Lumia 620 see the parameters and compare prices in stores » see user reviews » Nokia Lumia 620

Nokia Lumia 820 see the parameters and compare prices in shops » see user reviews »
class="ceneoHoriz_right"> Nokia Lumia 820

Nokia Lumia 610 see the parameters and compare prices in shops » see user reviews » Nokia Lumia 610

Nokia Lumia 525 features a 4-inch display with a resolution of 800 x 480 pixels. For her performance corresponds to a dual-core Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 with a frequency of 1 GHz and 1 gigabyte of RAM. In turn, all kinds of user data and applications can be stored in the internal memory of 8 GB memory card with a maximum capacity of 64 GB, or churze SkyDrive, where you are offered a 7 GB of storage space.

Remaining technical specification includes: 5 – megapixel main camera with recording video in HD 720p, Bluetooth 4.0, wireless module Wi-Fi IEEE 802.11 b / g / n, A-GPS, microUSB port, headphone mini-jack 3.5 mm and a battery capacity of 1,430 mAh which, according to the manufacturer has to provide the unit 14 days in standby mode on a single charging cycle. The whole measuring 19.9 x 64 x 9.9 mm and weighing 124 grams, runs on Windows Phone 8

At the moment, both the price and launch date for the sale were not disclosed.

Lumia for two SIM cards Nokia opens the way to new markets - BBC News

Rumors allegedly planned to introduce Nokia Windows Phone’ów for two SIM cards, there have been over half a year ago. @ Evleaks claims that the Finns will soon present the first such model.

 Lumie for two SIM cards is a matter of time / press materials

Lumie for two SIM cards is a matter of time

/ press release

Gionee Elif E7 - best-equipped smartphone in the world

In China faced a well-equipped Android smartphone – Gionee Elif E7. How to present its specification and price? read more

Nokia has long recognized the potential of dual SIM phones and emerging markets gradually releases the simpler models on two cards (especially Ash). To be completely happy Finns missing only smartphones, but soon has to change.

According to @ evleaks soon the market will be the first Windows Phone that supports two SIM cards. It will be the alternate version of the

smartphone codenamed Moneypenny.

We do not know anything specific about its technical specifications, but it will be rather a device with a lower price range. It has the hit to China, India and other developing countries. Sales Lumii dual SIM in Western Europe and in the U.S. is unlikely, although there is a chance for the appearance of it in the eastern markets of the Old Continent (also in Poland).

Given the mention of Windows Phone Blue, you can expect to use a Snapdragon chip 200 Support for the Qualcomm chipset family is already added in version GDR3 (available in Lumii 1520).

Nokia since the transition to Windows Phone systematically expanding portfolio of smartphones Lumia and cares about their diversity. The offer is already include bud?etowce (Lumia 520, 620, 525), low-cost devices with larger screens (Lumia 625), Business cells (Lumia 925), smartphones typically Photographic (Lumia 1020), and recently even large screen smartphones (Lumia 1520, 1320) and tablets ( Lumia 2520). The introduction of dual SIM so that it seemed only a matter of time.

It is worth noting that it is important for the Nokia device group. Cheap phones for two SIM cards can help her strengthen the position in markets such as Indian or Chinese. In the Middle Kingdom is now the most potential buyers of smartphones, a very popular solution allowing the use of two SIM cards.

cheap dual SIM likes Lumii Lumii 525 or 625 could be a hit in China. The more that Qualcomm chipsets support standards rustic communications and satellite navigation system.

Matthew ?o?yniak


Friday, November 29, 2013

Comet C/2012 S1 (ISON) did not survive -

2013-11-29 9:50

Comet C/2012 S1 ( ISON) did not survive

[Photo: sxc / cc / flaivoloka]

Comet C/2012 S1 (ISON) did not survive the passage through the perihelion yesterday – NASA announces service called

Comet ISON had to go through perihelion (closest to the Sun) on November 28 in the evening. At this time there was to be only less than two million kilometers from the center of our daily star. This meant that on the celestial sphere ISON was about 1.3 degree from the sun and could be seen only by

special koronografy.

One such instrument is placed on board the SOHO spacecraft. Comet came into his field of vision already November 27 and then still it seemed that everything is in order. ISON shone quickly, becoming brighter than a star Antares (also visible in the field of view of SOHO), and then even clearly overexpose the detector. Sorry, around noon on November 28 the comet glow began to fade, despite the fact that she is still approaching the Sun.

detailed images taken by NASA’s Solar Dynamics called Observatory clearly show that before passing through perihelion comet is a large and bright object, and then disappears for a moment in the glare of the sun and the guards coronograph. After the re-emergence of the field of view of the instrument is only very weak, barely visible haze. Certainly there has been a breakdown and strong evaporation of cometary nuclei. However, there is a chance that survived his little piece, which, however, certainly did not give such a spectacle that was expected in the event that a comet has survived the passage near the Sun. (PAP)

aol / mrt /

Nokia controls more than three quarters of the smartphone market with Windows ... -

latest figures from the analytical company Ad Duplex that a series of Lumia smartphones, Nokia is now more than three-quarters of all such devices, running the operating system. According to ZDNet, these data confirm that the Nokia strengthens its dominant position in the Windows Phone, due to a number indicating that when Microsoft finally takes over Nokia’s hardware division, it only strengthens its position on its own platform.

It is immediately apparent that the largest part of the increase in market share of smartphones with Windows Phone, Nokia owes its least expensive models, the Lumia series, and so designated for low-cost market, where competition is becoming increasingly fierce. Company Ad Duplex indicate that Nokia smartphones are up 76.6% of all devices running Windows Phone, while the other players using the platform together, such as Samsung, HTC and ZTE, share must remnant (23.4%) . How far is the most popular smartphone Nokia Lumia 520, so the low cost design of a processor Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 1 GHz, 512 MB of RAM and 8 GB of flash memory. The model itself 520 takes up 26.5% of the market of Windows Phone, and his nearest rival Lumia 920 smartphone launched in November last year.

Lumia 520

Position Nokia means that Microsoft will soon be in practice controlled a large part of the smartphone market with its own operating system. This year, the company decided to take over Nokia’s hardware division, for € 7.2 billion. Although Microsoft will eventually take over this part of Nokia, but the company still provides the other partners that the Windows Phone platform will still be open to licensing. The concerns of other companies are totally understandable, because at any time Microsoft could theoretically change your mind and become the sole producer of smartphones running Windows Phone, on the model of Apple, which provides the exclusive right to the brand not only the iPhone, but also on the author’s iOS mobile platform.

Sales of Nokia smartphones based on Windows Phone in the past year steadily increased. In the third quarter, Nokia sold a total of 8.8 million smartphones Lumia series. The lion’s share, as already mentioned, were the weakest and cheapest models that drive statistics. However, one should keep in mind is that competition in the lowest price segment can only thickened. For example, Motorola has already announced the introduction based on the Google Android platform in the smartphone market Moto G, equipped with a screen size of 4.5 inches and a resolution of 1280 x 720 pixels, and a quad-core processor and 1 GB of RAM. Despite a pretty decent specifications, Moto G has cost at retail only $ 179. Samsung also plans to their new, low-cost smartphones.

manufacturers of smartphones with Android clearly take to work, because as far as the most important of them firmly focused on the rivalry between themselves and Apple, it also gave a little box of Nokia, which she took for himself the lowest segments of the market pie. Nokia may yet celebrate triumphs when it comes to Windows Phone platform, but everything is good, you can always stop. From Microsoft’s point of view, the matter may be more complicated because as a future owner of the Lumia brand should strive to maintain a dominant position in relation to other manufacturers of Windows Phone. On the other hand, you never know in advance who will compete better with rival mobile platforms.

Windows Phone system is still a niche that only in certain

regions of the world reaches even dwucfyrowe results. On a global scale the absolute leader is Android, but iOS also holds up pretty high. Together, both platforms occupy over 90% of the entire smartphone market.


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smartphone in your pocket, tablet or notebook in the bag, “smart” TV on the wall, thousands of songs in a device smaller than a matchbox, movie loan without leaving home, playing with a huge number of people from all over the world and Finally, a few clicks to information from all continents. First evil called computers, then called Satan works gained internet. The era of digital media and the web began 20 years ago. What have you achieved? Today, computer and global network are no longer regarded as two of the incarnation of evil. Their combination, however, wykreowa?o new.

Windows Phone 7 dramatically broke with the earlier “windows” Microsoft to make an equal fight with the competition. The beginnings were difficult, gaps in functionality – huge, but subsequent updates more and more filled the gaps. As a result, the system was able to gain some popularity among people who appreciate the speed and simplicity of the interface. However, there is no denying that smartphones with Windows Phone remained in the shadow of Android and iOS. Is it the latest version, Windows Phone 8, will help him stand out

Battlefield 4 is important not only because it is one of the most popular online FPS type games. It is important first of all by the fact that it uses modern engine Frostbite 3, which surprisingly does well with support for multi-core processors and new graphics cards extensions such as DirectX 11.2. That’s why today’s test cards and processors is an important indication for those who intend to buy in the near future new equipment for the upcoming games. After a long wait and the battles in the trial version of the beta, players from many countries of today can play in the final, complete edition.

Behind the scenes of cosmic catastrophes around the Sun. There was a "pigtail" -

Onet yesterday 20:52

photo: Thinkstock photo Thinkstock Photo: Thinkstock

Astronomers hoped that observation “comet millennium” will help you find answers to questions concerning, inter alia, the process of planet formation. Today comet, flying near the sun, broke up, though, as Dr. Wojciech Borczyk notes in an interview with Onet, it is difficult to answer the question of what really happened in the space.

According to our current knowledge of the comet’s nucleus is composed of a mixture of ice and dust. When approaching the Sun temperature rise and more intense evaporation of cometary ice. Appears when the “head” and “tail” of the comet – explains Dr. Borczyk in an interview with Onet.

Scientist points out that in some cases, when the comet passes the sun in a very short distance, evaporation can be so intense that it will lead to decay, and even the total destruction of the nucleus. – Whether or not something will decide not only the perihelion distance, but also the structure and the size of the comet’s nucleus.

Accurate prediction of such scenarios is very difficult – emphasizes Dr. Borczyk.

Scientist UAM already marked that comets are objects quite unpredictable – both in terms of prediction of their clarity and movement. Comet ISON belonged to the group of so-called. “Comets muskaj?cych Sun” (called “Sungrazing comets”) that the perihelion closer to the star at a very small distance.

Dr. Borczyk also warned that ISON, which includes, among others, water, may be destructive, flying near the sun. The scientist recalled that in the past a lot of comets observed that during such “go” underwent total destruction or broke up into smaller fragments – so it was even with the “Great Comet The September” C/1882 R1.

Comet ISON (C/2012 S1) was discovered on 21 September 2012 with a telescope on the surface of the Earth; discovery that made the Belarusian and Russian Vitaly Nevsky Artiom Nowiczonok. Based on photos taken in June with the help of the Spitzer Space Telescope NASA, calculated that the width of the comet’s nucleus was 4.8 km, and its “tail” had a length of 300 thousand. miles. Astronomers describe it as a “dirty snowball” because it consisted mainly of dust, water and carbon dioxide also assumed that in its composition probably included elements that 4.5 billion years ago may have led to the formation of planets.

researchers thought that by observing the comet could be make arrangements for the formation of the protoplanetary disks that precede the formation of the planets, and perhaps also draw some conclusions about the origin of the Earth.


Thursday, November 28, 2013

NASA losing hope. Is Comet ISON survives encounter with ... - TVN 24

“We’re still waiting, but experts are losing optimism” – wrote on his Twitter NASA Solar System.

see We're still waiting, but experts are losing optimism

still waiting, but experts are losing optimism

In the last hours of the comet lost its brightness. portal gives even the latest comments suggested that the comet disintegrated before it reached perihelion.

NASA experts while connecting “live” they said satellite images at the moment you can not see the comet. They suggest that may evaporate, but point out that you should wait for more accurate data.

Comet ISON

ISON, namely C/2012 S1 many months ago, has been hailed by scientists comet of the century as one of the brightest in history. “Astronomy Now”, the largest astronomical British magazine, called waiting for the appearance of a comet “an event that happens once in a lifetime civilization” which can outshine the famous comet Halle – Bopp in 1997. The comet is now visible to the naked eye and today reaches perihelion, the closest to the Earth should be found around Christmas. While survive.

READ: Where and when to watch the “comet of the century”?

following: direct transmission from the flight comet ISON within 1.8 million km from the Sun:

Snow White in a bonfire

– It’s like a snowball throw by the fireplace – describes the event Tim O’Brien of Jodrell Bank Observatory, belonging to the University of Manchester. – The prevailing around it (the comet – ed.) The temperature will rise even more, they will decrease the distance from the star – he explains.

48 seconds of space. It is composed of more than 30,000 images and tens of thousands of hours of observation – 27-11-2013

help 48 seconds of space. creates it more than 30,000 images and tens of thousands of hours of observation

37000 “picture” of the cosmos is the result of observations made by the Herschel Space Observatory. Tens of thousands of hours of

observation has been made in a short film, lasting only 48 seconds. You can clearly see the increasing number of bright spots – it’s heavenly bodies, which more and more she saw a huge lens telescope. read more »

This is not the only threat lurking on the comet from the Sun. A small rock is subjected to enormous gravitational forces that can break it into small pieces.

– Fortunately, there is quite a large and moving very quickly – he stresses. According to the researchers ISON has merged nucleus with a diameter of about 5 kilometers. If scientists are wrong on its nucleus, has a chance to get out alive – says O’Brien.

fascinated from the beginning

Since when astronomers noticed on September 21 last year, the sky Comet ISON, all the observatories in the world Follow her flight. is called a comet of the century, as scientists have a chance to become the brightest object in the sky.

ISON was discovered by two astronomers – Vitaly Nevsky Cathedral in Belarus and Artyom Nowiczonoka from Russia. Because of its orbit, the researchers speculate that it may come from the time of the formation of our solar system. Its composition can enhance researchers’ understanding of the processes that took place then.

see Comet ISON. Photograph of hours. 16.50

Comet ISON. Photo of the hour. 16.50

see Comet ISON. Photograph of 15.30.

Comet ISON. Photo of the hour. 15:30

see Flight of the comet around the Sun (NASA)

Flight comets around the Sun (NASA)

Nepal. The discovery of the oldest Buddhist temple in Lumbini - News 24

Archaeologists Robin Coningham and Kosh Prasad Acharya found in the Maya Devi temple Buddhist relics wood. Discovery is the birthplace of Buddha in Lumbini, in southern Nepal is proof that the Buddha was born VI. BC

Recent excavations conducted in the Maya Devi Temple in Lumbini in Nepal, according to tradition, was erected at the birthplace of the Buddha in the third century BC, in the time of the Indian king Ashoka, allowed determine that the foundation of its hidden relics older structure. So far, the oldest Buddhist monuments believed column Ashoka in the third century BC, the ruler of the Mauryan Empire, who unified India in the range similar to today, with about 250 BC converted to Buddhism. New discovery must be regarded as find much older, the relics of the oldest Buddhist temple.

Archaeological research lead Professor Robin Coningham from the University of Durham and Kosh

Prasad Acharya of the Pashupati Area Development Trust in Nepal. The researchers emphasize the importance of the discovery, which is to establish the chronology of the life of Buddha. They state that the temple commemorates the birth in 560 BC Lumbini prince Siddhartha Gautama, who later became Buddha ?akjamunim. According to Buddhist sutras May queen Devi was born there it unexpectedly while traveling.

archaeologists were able to confirm some elements of the legend about the birth of Buddha. According to her Buddha’s mother gave birth to him in Lumbini, holding a branch of a tree. The researchers found the remains of roots, and although it is not possible to determine whether belonged just to the legendary tree, this discovery quite well with the history passed down for generations. “Presence of this tree in Lumbini is one of those rare moments when faith, tradition and science converge “- said Robin Coningham.

This message is of great importance to millions of Buddhists. Lumbini is one of the four main holy places of Buddhism. Is a center of pilgrimage since at least the third century BC, since 1997 a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Its value in the latest research has greatly increased.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The cheapest Lumia with Windows Phone 8 now has 1 GB of RAM -

2013-11-27 18:35

cheapest Lumia with Windows Phone 8 now has 1 GB of RAM

Author: Marcin Chmielewski

Lumia 520, which beats records of popularity and is the best selling Windows Phone’em in history, now has a successor.


The Finns decided to slightly improve your Lumia, which proved to be a sales hit and allows you to convince more people to the platform Windows Phone 8 The biggest problem was the 520-tuple, however, incompatible with some applications from the store HR, which required installing more memory operating.

Nokia has therefore decided to double the amount of RAM in the new Lumii 525 and now we have available 1 GB instead of 512 MB. Out of the box will be able to enjoy once Windows Phone 8 update Lumia Black.


In addition, rather specification remains unchanged. 525-weaving is equipped with a 4-inch screen with a resolution of 800 x 480 pixels, dual-core Snapdragon S4 processor clocked at 1 GHz, 5-megapixel camera without flash, 8 GB of built-in flash memory (+ microSD card slot) and a battery with a capacity of 1430 mAh battery.

Lumia 525 will cost about 600 dollars.


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    Nokia introduced its next smartphone offer lower priced. The Lumia 525 will be the direct successor to the 520

    Nokia Lumia 525 is a 4-inch smartphone with IPS display running at a resolution of 800 x 480 px. The manufacturer has applied here dual-core Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 processor with 1 GHz supported by 1 GB of RAM.

    The device has 8 GB of memory which can be expanded by another 64 GB using a MicroSD card.

    Nokia Lumia 525 model applied a battery with a capacity of 1430 mAh, which is enough for 10.6 hours. calls in 3G mode. The smartphone supports Wi-Fi 802.11 b / g / n, Bluetooth 4.0 and GPS and.

    whole is running Windows Phone 8

    Lumia 525 will be available in four colors: white, black, red and yellow. First, the device will debut in Asia, Africa and the Middle East. The manufacturer is not yet revealed the price and launch date of the European model. Unofficially talking about the amount of 180 dollars.