Thursday, November 21, 2013

Polish satellite Lem is not responding -


today 16:47

Project coordinator BRITE-PL MSc. Tomasz Zawistowski presents a model of the satellite Project Coordinator BRITE-PL MSc. Thomas Zawistowski presents the model satellites Photo: PAP

However, as explained project leader Thomas Zawistowski, this situation is not surprising.

– This is a routine situation. It is normal at the start of the satellites are connectivity issues. Based on predictions because, rather than on real data, because they get only a few hours. The first contact with Lem was successful and I am sure that soon we will re-connect to it – calmed Thomas Zawistowski.

Lem checks are made as the brightest star of the Universe

Polish scientific satellite built by Lem on the international agenda Bright Target Explorer Constellation – BRITE. They worked on it specialists from the Centre for Space Research and the Center for Astronomical them. Nicolaus Copernicus Academy of Sciences.

– BRITE program idea is to put into orbit a constellation of six telescopes that will be able to constantly watch the bright stars and measure changes in the brightness of the stars over a long period of time – said Piotr Astronomical Centre of Orleans with them. Nicolaus Copernicus Academy of Sciences (CAMK).

Lem, like

starting in late December Hevelius, it will be very closely monitored even very small changes in the brightness of stars. – From the Earth because of atmospheric disturbances, we can not fail to notice these small changes in the brightness of even the largest telescopes. It was therefore decided to place a telescope in orbit. Thus, observations of changes you can make stars, which are caused by their own vibrations stars – the so-called. oscillations – explained Prof. reporters. Gerald Handler with CAMK.

Scientists thus receive information about the internal structure of stars and the details of the physical processes taking place within them, such as thermonuclear reactions, mixing of matter, energy transport in the form of radiation from the center to the surface.

In total, the project will work six satellites at the same time as the BRITE program also involved two satellites Austrian and two Canadian. Austrian satellites into orbit was already an Indian rocket. Canadian satellites and will start next year. Since then, the whole group will be working for at least three years.

unique feature of the mission, in addition to the coordinated work of groups of satellites, is that for the first time in the history of space missions observations will be carried out with the simultaneous use of filters in two different colors. Three satellites – including Lem – will work with a blue filter on the telescope, and three red filter – in this Hevelius.

As the researchers explain, Lem telescope field of view is 24 degrees. That’s a lot, because in comparison seeded thumb and index finger hands, cover an area of ??about 15 degrees. This allows the telescope can cover eg the constellation Orion in one picture, and the satellite will be able to watch up to 15 bright stars at the same time.

Dr. Orléans explained that the satellite is controlled by a specific control center located at the Center for Astronomical them. Nicolaus Copernicus Academy of Sciences. – Thanks to him flying to the next satellite orbits will know what to do. The purpose of the center is not just a collection of data, but also issuing a command, such as that on the next orbit is seen Orion for the next three hours – he described the scientist.


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