Friday, November 29, 2013

Nokia controls more than three quarters of the smartphone market with Windows ... -

latest figures from the analytical company Ad Duplex that a series of Lumia smartphones, Nokia is now more than three-quarters of all such devices, running the operating system. According to ZDNet, these data confirm that the Nokia strengthens its dominant position in the Windows Phone, due to a number indicating that when Microsoft finally takes over Nokia’s hardware division, it only strengthens its position on its own platform.

It is immediately apparent that the largest part of the increase in market share of smartphones with Windows Phone, Nokia owes its least expensive models, the Lumia series, and so designated for low-cost market, where competition is becoming increasingly fierce. Company Ad Duplex indicate that Nokia smartphones are up 76.6% of all devices running Windows Phone, while the other players using the platform together, such as Samsung, HTC and ZTE, share must remnant (23.4%) . How far is the most popular smartphone Nokia Lumia 520, so the low cost design of a processor Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 1 GHz, 512 MB of RAM and 8 GB of flash memory. The model itself 520 takes up 26.5% of the market of Windows Phone, and his nearest rival Lumia 920 smartphone launched in November last year.

Lumia 520

Position Nokia means that Microsoft will soon be in practice controlled a large part of the smartphone market with its own operating system. This year, the company decided to take over Nokia’s hardware division, for € 7.2 billion. Although Microsoft will eventually take over this part of Nokia, but the company still provides the other partners that the Windows Phone platform will still be open to licensing. The concerns of other companies are totally understandable, because at any time Microsoft could theoretically change your mind and become the sole producer of smartphones running Windows Phone, on the model of Apple, which provides the exclusive right to the brand not only the iPhone, but also on the author’s iOS mobile platform.

Sales of Nokia smartphones based on Windows Phone in the past year steadily increased. In the third quarter, Nokia sold a total of 8.8 million smartphones Lumia series. The lion’s share, as already mentioned, were the weakest and cheapest models that drive statistics. However, one should keep in mind is that competition in the lowest price segment can only thickened. For example, Motorola has already announced the introduction based on the Google Android platform in the smartphone market Moto G, equipped with a screen size of 4.5 inches and a resolution of 1280 x 720 pixels, and a quad-core processor and 1 GB of RAM. Despite a pretty decent specifications, Moto G has cost at retail only $ 179. Samsung also plans to their new, low-cost smartphones.

manufacturers of smartphones with Android clearly take to work, because as far as the most important of them firmly focused on the rivalry between themselves and Apple, it also gave a little box of Nokia, which she took for himself the lowest segments of the market pie. Nokia may yet celebrate triumphs when it comes to Windows Phone platform, but everything is good, you can always stop. From Microsoft’s point of view, the matter may be more complicated because as a future owner of the Lumia brand should strive to maintain a dominant position in relation to other manufacturers of Windows Phone. On the other hand, you never know in advance who will compete better with rival mobile platforms.

Windows Phone system is still a niche that only in certain

regions of the world reaches even dwucfyrowe results. On a global scale the absolute leader is Android, but iOS also holds up pretty high. Together, both platforms occupy over 90% of the entire smartphone market.


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