Saturday, November 9, 2013

Object from space is not stressing people Lomza. "It can always ... - TVN Meteo

ESA satellite falls to Earth. It can strike at Lomza – 08-11-2013

help ESA Satellite falling to Earth. could hit the Lomza

In late October, GOCE mission ended. Currently, the satellite falls to Earth, and the next day hit the planet. There is a significant probability that debris will fall on Poland GOCE. Official information about the threat appeared on the website of the town of Lomza. read more »

GOCE satellite in October ended his four-year mission and fly back to Earth. His remains will fall between 10 and 11 November on the planet.

message on the official website of the City

information that remains satellites can hit the strip of

eastern Polish were sent by the European Space Agency, and later by the Government Centre for Security, then reached the Provincial Crisis Management Center, and from there went to the City Hall. Lomza authorities decided to share this information, because the official website of the town a message.

“This is normal”

As it turns out, people do not see the danger, do not worry that there is 0.15 percent. opportunities that the “sky” suddenly satellite debris might fall. – It is normal, you can always, at any time – says one of the residents. – I’m not afraid of anything. The more I stress before the wedding than a satellite – said another.

Surprised officials

Officials from Lomza are surprised sensation, which was called around them currently. – Decided that it is information about which people should be aware of as the possible occurrence of a storm or hail. That is why we put it in the form in which it was received without any of our comments – said one of the representatives of the City.

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