Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The explosion meteoroidu the Czelabi?skiem in Russia. New information - Polish Radio

February 15, 2013 year over Czelabi?skiem the explosion, which resulted in more than 1.2 thousand. people were taken to hospitals. The explosion was the largest event of its kind since the Tunguska event in 1908.
Shock wave from the blast smashed glass in the windows, damaged buildings and even flipped people. Researchers visited more than 50 villages in the area around the outbreak and found that the shock wave caused damage at distances up to 90 km.
Scientists call the cosmic collision warning to mankind. – If humanity does not want to share the fate of the dinosaurs, we must carefully examine events such as this – said the professor at the University of California at Davis Qing-Zhu Yin.
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According to recent calculations

object entered the earth’s atmosphere at a speed of 19 km / s, which is slightly faster than earlier estimates suggested. The property has a diameter of about 20 m and has the fragmentation rate of 30 km above the Earth’s surface. The highest brightness of the meteor was at the height of 29.7 km, at the time of the explosion. For observers of the area was brighter than the sun and sunburns caused in some people.
Approx. three quarters meteoroidu evaporated. The rest turned into dust, but only 0.05 per cent. (4 thousand. To 6 thousand. Kg) dropped onto the surface, as meteorites. A cloud of dust was so hot that it glowed orange. The largest fragment, which failed in October to bring

the lake Czebarku?, weighs about 650 kg.

meteorite also examined laboratory, measuring the chemical and isotopic composition and magnetic properties. The results of these measurements indicate that this is the age chondrite 4,452 billion years which 115 million years after the formation of the solar system has experienced a significant impact. Perhaps one of the earlier collision in space facilitated the disintegration of the object after the entry into Earth’s atmosphere.
The researchers speculate that the meteoroid may have come from the asteroid family (8) Nature of the main asteroid belt. However, the debris that hit the vicinity of Chelyabinsk, have been exposed to cosmic radiation by only 1.2 million years. It is an unusually small period of time, as the object of the Flora asteroid family. Scientists put in connection with the hypothesis that meteoroid entered earlier in the larger asteroid that broke the 1.2 million years ago, perhaps as a result of an earlier trip around the Earth.
Meteoroid is a small object (stone, rock) moving in space. When they flew into the Earth’s atmosphere causes the meteor phenomenon (called a shooting star). If it manages to reach the surface of the planet, it is called a meteorite. Very bright meteor is sometimes called a hairpin turn.
In Thursday’s issue of the journal ‘Science’ will show the results of research conducted by a team of scientists from several dozen different countries. Team led by Olga Popov of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow and Peter Jenniskens of the NASA Ames and the SETI Institute (USA). The whole team comprised 59 scientists from nine countries.

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