Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Shareholders agree to sell a part of Nokia - Your PC



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 Wednesday November 20, 2013
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By Wedelek | Source: ZDNet | 14:39

class=”txt”>  Today in Helsinki, there was a meeting of shareholders of Nokia, where business owners have to decide whether to finally agree to sell most of the company to Microsoft. The vote came up to the plan of the Redmond giant and a total of more than 99% of shareholders were in favor of signing a contract . In accordance with the negotiated terms of the entire transaction will be completed in the next year transferred to Nokia account the amount of 3.79 billion euros for infrastructure and staff, plus another 1.65 billion euros for its portfolio of technology related Lumia family of smartphones and Ahsa.

Microsoft will also return to the previous Nokia’s CEO, Steven Elop, who is mentioned among the candidates for the head of Microsoft’s seat.

It is worth noting that the Finnish manufacturer will not entirely in the hands of Microsoft. Mark will continue to exist, and under the banner of the software will be sold, and services such as maps and advanced software for cameras, as well as solutions for telecommunications companies.


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