Archaeologists in Nepal have discovered traces of a wooden structure from the sixth century BC, remnants of the oldest Buddhist temple at the birthplace of the Buddha. So far, the oldest Buddhist monuments believed column Ashoka in the third century BC
said Tuesday Kosh Prasad Acharya, who worked together with archaeologists from the British University in Durham, traces unveiled inside Temple Mai Devi in ??Lumbini in southern Nepal. Existing modern temple commemorates the birth in 560 BC Lumbini prince Siddhartha Gautama, who later became Buddha ?akjamunim. According to Buddhist sutras May queen Devi was born there it unexpectedly while traveling.
The discovery archaeologists write in the December issue of the journal “Antiquity”.
Acharya said that radiocarbon and thermoluminescence study showed that traces of the temple come from
exposed by archaeologists are the already known structure of bricks inside the temple.
– The finding further strengthens the chronology of the life of Buddha and for the millions of Buddhists is a great message – said Acharya.
– about the life of the Buddha, we know very little beyond oral tradition and source texts – said in a statement archaeologist Robin Coningham from the University of Durham. – Now, for the first time, we have archaeological sequence in Lumbini, which shows that the structure already existed in the sixth century BC
oldest Buddhist monument columns were regarded far Asoka (304-232 BC), ruler of the Mauryan Empire, who unified India in the range similar to today, with about 250 BC converted to Buddhism. In Lumbini is the column of 249, one of the few preserved and can be found engraved on them edicts of Ashoka, as well as subsequent rulers.
Lumbini, a pilgrimage center since at least the third century BC, since 1997 a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is one of the four main holy places of Buddhism.

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