Saturday, November 2, 2013

Carbonated drinks more expensive? They face a 20 percent tax - HotMoney

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make people drink less sugary drinks? Tax


universities in Oxford and Reading came up, that the imposition of 20-percent tax on sugary drinks, carbonated would decline in sales of these drinks by 15 percent. Data refer to the United Kingdom.

“British Medical Journal” based on their research, wrote that reduce the number of obese population of the British Isles about 180 thousand., and people who are overweight by 285 thousand. The most obvious would be a

group of people between 16 and 29 years of age, because it is they who, according to scientists, are leading in the consumption of these drinks. Reduced sugar intake result in lower incidence of diabetes and obesity.

you increase the price of sugary drinks scare off fans of their purchase? Skeptics suggest that if you like sweet, it will replace the carbonated drink tea with lots of sugar. She fell so counter-proposal, aleby rather to force the manufacturers to reduce the amount of sugar in soft drinks. For a typical can of soda contains 6-15 teaspoons of sugar.

United Kingdom is the first country in which there is a discussion on reducing consumption of carbonated drinks. tax on sweetened soft drinks have already Hungary, Finland, France and some states in the U.S. . In Poland, a similar topic under discussion at the school shops, which sell mainly sweets. The dietary habits of adults, for the time being, no one discusses.

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