is certainly known to you the Nigerian spam. I think all of us at least once in their lifetime received an email with lucrative proposition he can not refuse. The scenario goes something like this: Aunt of Nigeria, of which you’ve never heard, won a fortune in the lottery. Unfortunately, she died recently and you’re the only relative you were able to locate. Money for a moment lost. Well, unless you provide your account number and your data, you win will be credited to your account (depleted by a small prowizyjk? mail to the sender. But what is a few thousand in the face of millions). This type of fraud is called a Nigerian, but scammers can come from any country on Earth.
In the past few days wave “Nigerian scam” back on the auction. User trench tells :
I watch a few auctions
photo cameras, and it is a bit annoying that in less than two days, six auctions have been completed by people with “0″ next to the nick with Buy Now. Recently he sold the camera, and also had to show him three times because I still crooks “buy” ending auction.
proof gives a screenshot of the items
Fig. Allegro
What exactly is the Nigerian scam on auction site? Someone buys the item using Buy It Now or wins the auction. But then report to the seller that unfortunately encountered problems with payment payU, so make an ordinary assignment. Pay as something extra that only the item was sent as soon as possible, because it is a gift for the birthday son / wedding anniversary / communion (delete as
respecting the Allegro Nigerian scams before you can find an example of such a message:
Seller Hi, My name is Mrs. faith eric from the Spain, i saw your item on the Auction, I am interested in buying the item from you, provided its in good working condition and quality am ready to add U.S. $ 30.00 to the price listed so as to close the auction on the items urgentlly Which is needed by a client of mine in Africa.Expecting your reply ASAP so as to proceed with the payment via Bidpay Auction Payments, let me know if my offer is okay. Thanks Mrs. Faith Eric
And what about all Allegro? Anna lathes from the press office calms down:
monitor the service and when it detects an account set up by fraudsters we block them. However, the sellers, who had purchased the scammer will send an e-mail with a warning not to send the object. They also receive reimbursement of fees associated with the transaction. Accounts scammers are blocked by our administrators, not only on the basis of reports from users, but also on the basis of internal security mechanisms.
What can you do to avoid falling victim to the scam? Well – although urgent tone would not be a buyer, it is better to wait until the seller’s account will be credited payment.
should remember not to send the item only by e-mail, in which we have information that the money has been credited to a foreign bank and will be provided after sending the item. If you do not have the payment in your account payU or in the bank, and receive comments from the user without confirmation of payment, it is better to wait until the money is credited to our account
adds lathes.
If you were victims of similar scams, please report to the police.

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