At first glance, this seems ridiculous crossing the border and demonstrates a lack of detachment from oneself. But are you sure? Posthumous publication of tweets and posts on FB in developed countries socialmediowo beginning to be on the agenda, but a few years ago was not in the mind even the largest online wywrotowcom.
It is estimated that Facebook uses more than 1.15 billion people. Total time spent on it in the middle of the year exceeded 20 billion minutes per day. I constantly growing. According to a report by Mashable, but in 2012 the world died three million people who have accounts on this website. Only a small percentage of them at all ever thought what will happen to their profiles when you connect to the majority.
With modern applications and shocking than one of our websites, those who, through ascent to social networks want to be famous and admired over the years, without any problem may be some themselves even after his death. And while the common sense, the first aspiration social media should no longer give way to rationalize and drawing conclusions, few people in general are aware that the image of the digitalu can responsibly shape, both in life and after death. The question is – if at all we want and need to do that?
In the twenty-first century death does not necessarily mean no peace on our profile on a social network, or make disappear the monitors of our friends. Paradoxically, if we want – it can be much more active than in life. Application “If I Die” (if I die) can leave a message, which will be published after our death. It depends on us whether it’s video, photo or text message. The content will appear on our Wallu Facebook , giving hundreds of our friends a chance to comment on and liking it. All you have to choose three trusted people who on our
LivesOn – The application promoted the slogan: “When your heart stops beating, you’ll keep tweeting” (“When your heart stops beating, you keep twittowa?”) allows you to turn on the continuation of life on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn . It is based on an algorithm that keeps track of the year our entries on social networks. And when we die, uses the information to publish news and linking pages in the same style. As you can see, LivesOn raises huge controversy. Supporters see it as a diary, recreating tastes and style of writing of the deceased. Opponents – a big hoax and a symptom of his own vanity, that does not lead to anything good.
If we fear that we will not manage to say goodbye to all the people we care about, or would like to tell them something important, and just – we do not have the courage to help us application DeadSocial . It allows you to write a message to be delivered to specific people after our death. Everything is done in a completely virtual – no envelopes, and a lawyer, a reader on our behalf last will.
But that’s not all. If we want someone came up after our death our identity online, you can think about creating a will Network . Legacy Locker to bring together the most important information (passwords on social networking sites, data for online banking accounts, etc.) and to identify the persons who will have access to them – along with the option to assign specific individuals to specific data . You can also use it to leave a special message for loved ones in the event of our death.
My Wonderful Life is in turn digitalowa offer for those who do not want to worry about your funeral. This allows not only to plan the burial, but also the right time to pass this information to relatives. This is a typical social networking site, which is assumed to account describes his funeral (quoting such music to be played or
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