Saturday, November 23, 2013

Satellites begin study Earth's magnetic field - Polish Radio


Catherine Karas 11.22.2013

 Satellites commence study Earth's magnetic field class=”imgLead” id=”photo-desc”> Rocket Launch Rokot , photo: ESA / mat. Media

ESA announced, during a four-year mission, which was called the Swarm (Swarm), the satellite will provide data to help better understand the Earth’s magnetic field, “the magnetic shield that protects our biosphere before the charged particles and cosmic rays.” This field will be monitored

from the Earth’s core to the upper atmosphere.
Precise measurements of the assessment will be used for a long time observed weakening of the intensity of the field. Since the mid-nineteenth century, it has slowed down by about 15 percent.
Control of the satellites of the European Space Agency holds the European Space Operations Centre in the German city of Darmstadt.
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