Sunday, February 22, 2015

Air monitoring system is formed in the Warmia-Mazurskie –

2015-02-21 9:00

 air monitoring system is formed in the Warmia-Mazurskie

Modern analyzers rise in Olsztyn [photo: markers / CC / Wikipedia]

With nearly 3 million zlotys to April next year will be modernized system for automatic measurement of air pollution in the province . Warmia and Mazury – said the Regional Inspectorate for Environmental Protection in Olsztyn.

He said the provincial environmental inspector Bogdan Meina, modernization of air monitoring system in the region to ensure the reliability and quality of the measurements. – This is a very important task, because on a regular basis to inform the public about the state of the air we breathe – he said.

As part of this project will be purchased, among others, modern analyzers and other devices to five measuring stations in Olsztyn, Elblag, Osterode, Gołdapia and Mragowo that carry automatic air quality testing in parallel with meteorological measurements. Inspectorate buy a car to provide comprehensive service of the station and adjust its laboratory facilities to EU requirements.

The project will cost 2.9 million zł and has been co-financing from the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area. Air monitoring system will be upgraded within 14 months. Inspectorate is preparing the first tenders for the purchase of equipment. The project will be officially launched at the symposium, which will take place next Monday in Olsztyn provincial office.

According to Meiny province. Warmian-Masurian is one of the regions with the cleanest air on the background of the country. As can be seen from the annual report, the content of harmful substances – such as benzene, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide and carbon monoxide – a few years is less than the legal limit.

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Local conditions may, however, be detrimental to the health, especially in areas with high vehicle emissions and industrial pollution. For poorer air quality is mainly exposed south-western and western part of the region and the two largest cities – Olsztyn and Elblag.

According to a recent report by the NIK, Poland for years has the most polluted air in the European Union. Contributes to the so-called. low emission, ie pollution, mainly from domestic boiler room, where the light is poor quality coal or even garbage. Another problem is the emission of pollutants from transport.

NIK indicated that the greatest concentration oversize particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5) and benzo (a) pyrene (B (a) P) occurs primarily in the south Polish and in large cities. The worst situation is in Krakow, where the limits were exceeded for 150 days a year.

The results of measurements of air quality in the Warmia and Mazury are available online at



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