Saturday, February 28, 2015

Weather forecast for Polish – 1.03 –

On Sunday, the first of March, Poland falls under the influence of a deep decline from above the Norwegian Sea. Along our western border will influence atmospheric front. In the afternoon, the front area of ​​rain or drizzle will cover the western province. Meanwhile, in the East generally remain fairly nice weather, and if something already weak sprinkle some, it is to the east of Malopolska. To our country will be flowed quite warm Atlantic air. Atmospheric pressure will drop quickly and Warsaw in the early afternoon will be 996 hPa. Watch out for enhancing the wind! Will blow the southern direction, to the east moderately, and besides, quite strongly, strongly. In Côte gusts of wind can reach 70 km / h. Fishermen warned against stormy weather! Biomet in western and eastern ends of unfavorable for, and besides indifferent.

The upcoming days will pass under the sign of rain, passing Tuesday sleet and snow. From this day you can expect a several five-level cool and frost in the morning.

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