Thursday, February 26, 2015

Poles created a wallet, which did not get lost – Pulse of Business

February 25 crowdfundingowej platform Kickstarter collection started to produce a portfolio of the latest trends in fashion and technology. Creators need at least 15 thousand. USD. After a few hours of their account is already more than half of the total, and by the end of the shares are still 34 days.

Silicon intelligence

The uniqueness of the portfolio consists of zaszyciu in inside the Bluetooth module that connects to the application will be installed on your smartphone. If the portfolio will be at a distance of 6 to 25 meters from the smartphone, this activates the alarm (same user chooses distance). On the phone screen will display a map that indicates the current position of the portfolio. However, the technology used has a distance limitation and if the portfolio will be more than 60 meters, we are left with only the information about the last known position.

– Anyone who has lost his wallet knows how unpleasant the consequences. We thought that you can easily minimize the risk of this nightmare – says Bart cold, one of the three founders. To facilitate the location portfolio also mounted speaker that the more expensive version will be able to issue any sound, for example. Barking. Its cost is $ 119, while the standard version is about $ 20 cheaper. For $ 5, you can also buy pocket signal blocking RFID proximity cards used by, for $ 35 keychain transmitter, and for $ 39 cover on the phone.

Polish economy

According to the developers through the use of energy-efficient mode of communication between the battery in your wallet or key fob has to withstand two years.

– The problem is not Bluetooth, this is not afraid, otherwise it may be the speaker with a greater demand for energy. That is why we are working on charging the battery for heat removal or conversion of kinetic energy into electricity – explains Mark Carpenter, one of the originators, who Kickstarterze collected last year, more than 150 thousand. USD for the device to the public cloud Sherlybox.

The authors also

floated plans to use community in finding things. Well, if the owner of the portfolio will signal the theft, the location will be determined not only by using his smartphone, but also others devices nearby, which will have an installed application.

Krakow quality

The portfolio will be hand-sewn leather dyed with vegetable dyes. The skin will come from Polish cows, and will be produced by the plant kaletniczy from Krakow.

– We have noticed a trend in the market creating a very flat portfolios, which began with the Manufactories Miller. However, we have designed it so that it housed the coins, and users do not worried about the thickness – explains the genesis of the Carpenter.

Also in Krakow The exact will be the electronics, although the authors do not exclude that if a portfolio interest to enough people, it’s for economies of scale will move production to China. The first batches are to be sent to customers in April. Then the stores for iOS and Android app hits. Windows version will appear if the creator uzbierają 20 thousand. USD, and Apple Watch if the fans to throw in another 15 thousand. USD. If the collection account will be more than 125 thousand. USD is also appears to wireless charging mat mobile devices.


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