Saturday, February 7, 2015

Dawn probe closer to the dwarf planet Ceres. In March … – News 24

Poll Down delivered new dwarf planet Ceres photos. Photography has a resolution of 14 km per pixel. This is so far the most accurate and sharpest picture taken that object.

 / Fig. NASA Before the Dawn spacecraft (” Dawn “) will enter the the orbit of the dwarf planet Ceres will examine and photograph the object from a distance. As reported by NASA, February 4 took a picture from a distance of 145 thousand. kilometers (for comparison, the distance from the center of the Earth to the Moon is about 384 thousand. kilometers). Provided by “Dawn” Photographers Ceres brings associations with a ball golf. Less than a month ago, on 13 January, the Dawn spacecraft sent to Earth photograph taken from a distance of 383 thousand. kilometers away.

Dawn probe was

launched 27 September 2007. In the first half of 2011. object entered orbit the asteroid Vesta. He watched her until September 2012. September 5 this year, the probe flew toward the dwarf planet Ceres. Per month, March 6, should be complete operation of its entry into orbit.

Read also: New Horizons probe sent the first images of Pluto taken during the approach to the planet

Ceres circulates in the asteroid belt between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. Has a diameter of 950 km. Its surface is covered by a large amount of ice, in which – according to some scientists – may be a water reservoir.


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